Chapter 1

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[ kelly's p.o.v ]
Another day... Nothing out of the ordinary. The same old schedule, breakfast, shower, work (more often than not, some form of practice or recording), more work, more work, rest, bed. Tedious, I know. It's my life, and 90% of the time? It's not something to complain about, it's fun, but other times? Not so much. Today was one of those days where the fun was yet to be found.

My eyes laid staring into space out of as my fingers fidgeted around with the chopsticks that have yet to do anything for me. This morning seems to be one that lacks a lot of appetite too.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

There was a vibration from my phone. My eyes glanced over and I felt a smile creep up onto my face after seeing the name of the caller. It was my brother.


"Hi, Kelly you there?"

"Mhm, what's up?"

"Nothing much, the usual. And you?"

"Me too, me too. I'm so tired, I just want to be back in bed,"

"Hahaha, I feel you but don't worry, I bring some exciting news!"

"What is it?" I suddenly sat up straight and I diverted my full attention on what he was about to say.

"What? you mean you don't know?"

"Well of course not! You haven't told me! I know we're supposed to have twin telepathy and all but I'm not that smart. Come on spill!" The anticipation was killing me,

"Wait, it's nothing. L-look. I gotta go. But- look on Hunan TV and their interview that's coming out in a few hours, I'll be there. Okay. I'll see you in a bit! Bye!"

I didn't get the chance to utter a word in before he hung up.

He left me feeling very confused and suspicious. Something didn't sit right with me I'm the sudden change in tone of his voice but of course, I didn't get the opportunity to ask BECAUSE HE HUNG UP ON ME. I sighed at the frustration to only find myself smiling a few minutes later from the thought of talking to him again after such a while. I also get to see new content tehe.

Funny that he's my brother yet I still fangirl as if he wasn't. We don't get the chance to talk all that often because of both of our busy schedules so it's nice when we randomly receive calls from each other. Even if they are only brief. Although I will have to say- I have no idea how to tell him that he's not my bias.


[ karry's p.o.v ]

"You didn't tell her?" Roy asked, walking into the room, I looked at him and shook my head, "Why not?"

"She'll find out in a bit, it's fine." To be honest. There really wasn't much of a reason as to why I didn't tell her. More or less just the fact that her manager will make her aware I'm sure. I just hope I get to see you soon.

"Mhm... okay so are we gonna go get ready now or?..."

"Yeah let's." I almost forgot about the interview I had scheduled. Luckily I have people around me to keep me in check.


[ kelly's p.o.v ]

Today I was quite surprised when my driver told me that we'd only be going to photoshoots all day and that I only had two scheduled. Strange but I'm not complaining, just means I can get to bed earlier. Though I will say- I don't like photoshoots. They're just not my thing.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the first shooting location, I took a deep breath before bracing myself for the wave of stress that was eager to wash over me. You may wonder why I don't like them? I'm just too awkward of a person and to have people stare at me having my photo taken? A feeling I'll never get used to.

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