Chapter 22

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Jackson's P.O.V
"Are you sure about this?" I asked Karry as he called Victoria Song 姐.
"Yeah it's for the best I mean it won't be long, she's only going for the 2 months that we're off. She'll be back before the Annual ChongQing Exams," he said I nodded,
Then Karry caught onto the phone with Victoria.

I guess he is right whilst we TALK SOME SENSE INTO THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING
-Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep- sorry bad language. Anyways I think it's for the best that she goes, it's not like she's gonna actually be there forever, she's only going for 2 months well now it's 1 and a half months but yeah.

~Time skip to morning~

Kelly's P.O.V
I recalled everything that happened last night, I walked into my bathroom and took a long and thoughtful shower, why? Why was the only thing that came to mind. It was in every one of my questions and I can't seem to figure out why. I turned the shower head off and stepped out. I changed into a white crop top, black cropped hoodie over it, blue ripped denim jeans and black sneakers.

Slowly I picked up my phone and walked downstairs avoiding eye contact with anyone,
"Morning sis," shoot! Oh wait it's just Karry,
"Morning." I said coldly,
"Come here sit down," he said, I nodded and sat down at the dinner table,
"We have some news for you and by we I mean me and Karry." Said Jackson,
"I spoke to manager about this and he said this was fine, it was about time you got a break anyways," Karry said,
"WHAT IS IT JUST SPILL IT!" I yelled in annoyance,
"We're sending you to Korea." Said Jackson plainly.

"WHAT!" Me and Roy said in unison
"Why would you care at all Roy? It's not like we wanted to do this!" Shouted Jackson and Karry in unison.
"Just that." Roy was cut off by me yelling at him,
"JUST WHAT? IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU. IF YOU WANT GABRIELLA GO GET HER THEN. I HATE YOU AND IM GLAD IM BEING SENT TO KOREA AWAY FROM YOU (Excuse this language please but) BASTARD!" I yelled, that was the first time I had yelled and swore at anyone in my life.

"FINALLY!!!!!! I'm so happy you've given up on him! He's all mine now," a voice out of nowhere, I looked over by the door to see it broken down and a girl I hated to see the most Gabriella.

"What are you doing in my house?!" I asked almost yelling,
"Oh nothing just here to pick up my dear boyfriend Roy!" She squealed, at that moment my heart felt like it was stabbed continuously, she's really his girlfriend now,
"Best news I'm the world. She's mine." Said Roy with a smirk on his face. You know what too can play that game,

"That's cool I was just headed out on a date with Jackson," I said with a smirk wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest.
"Wait we ar-" before he could finish I whispered something into his ear causing him to nod,
"Yeah we are," he said with a smirk on his face too.
"WHAT?!" Yelled Gabriella and Roy at the same time,

"Why're you two so mad about it? I thought you had each other, Jackson deserves my sister more that you do Roy." Said Karry catching on,
"Fine then prove it," said Gabriella almost about to storm out the room, I looked up at Jackson and gulped, he pulled me in and I dug my face deeper into his chest.
"That's not enough, kiss each other." Said Roy staring wide eyed.

At that point he was driving me absolutely insane. I looked up at Jackson and he nodded, we were really hesitant at first,
"Scared?" Said Roy with a smirk, now he was testing my limits so without thinking I smashed my lips onto his causing him to fall back a little bit but kiss back. Sorry. We pulled apart to see Gabriella and Roy both shocked.

"Well I'm off toodaloo!" I said waving off and up to my room with Jackson and Karry,
"Holy cow that was embarrassing! Sorry Jackson I didn't mean for this to happen, I just didn't know Roy would be like this..." I said tearing up a little, Karry came over and gave me a hug.
"Don't worry me and Jackson know it was with good intentions, honestly we haven't seen Roy like this either, it's best for you to keep your distance for a while..." Said Karry, I put my chin on his shoulder and hugged him tighter.
"Thank you. Big bro." I said,
"Don't mention it," he said as he released from the hug and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Oh yeah sorry bout that Jackson haha," I said awkwardly.
"Its fine," he said smiling back at me,
"So when is this flight of mine?" I asked,
"Tomorrow morning," Karry said, I nodded and we sat on my bed and started to talk about random topics that were hilarious.

"Oh shoot I have to go! I'm gonna be late for a photo shoot!" I said,
"That's fine you should get going, me and Karry will be on the couch downstairs if you need us. That is for when you come back." Said Jackson Karry nodded after him and I ran out the door and into the car,
"Take me to the studio please," I said my chauffeur nodded and started to drive.

I soon arrived and I ran into the studio and to the photoshoot room,
"Ah Kelly your here! We thought you weren't going to make it!" Said the photographer,
"Well I'm here now," I said,
"Ok go get changed!" She said,

I ran into the changing room and changed into a white bandeau, blue ripped skinny jeans, pastel pink converse with white laces and a pastel pink bomber jacket. My hair was loosely curled and I had normal aviator glasses with a rose gold rim and a rose gold watch to go on my right wrist.

I stepped out to see the background, there was a door and I leaned against it, then there was a white wall and I had one foot on the wall and my back with my eyes staring forwards. Then I could take some silly funny photos so I stuck my tongue out and I put my eyes on the inner corner of my eyes.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Next outfit!" The photographer squealed as I walked off and into the dressing room, the next outfit was a withe t-shirt dress with the word Bad on it in black, black lace up heel boots that go up past my knees, a black bracelet and aviator shades.

I walked out and to the photoshoot area where there was a floor set out with a stool that I sat on and posed. Blah blah. I changed into my next outfit. It was a white baggy shirt, light blue denim shorts and white trainers. I had pearl earrings in, a baseball bat. This outfit was one of the ones that I wore in boyhood (Working on the book) in fact this was my favourite outfit.

I walked out and posed with the baseball bat on my shoulder, in whacking stance and in stance as if it's just been whacked. I have to admit this is probably my favourite outfit of all time. It's comfy yet it's still cute.

The final outfit for this photo shoot was for a Magazine cover, this one was another one on the edgy side, it was a tank top, knee ripped denim jeans with some other slits, combat boot heels and a black leather jacket. I walked out to see a bright back ground. Guess to make me stand out from everything else.

I posed a few more before walking back into the changing room, changing into my normal outfit and heading home. After what I had been through I thought that Korea was definitely my best option, that way I can see my sister Yoona! (Not biological just besties enough to call sister). She is from the Korean girl group Girls Generation and she is the sweetest girl you will EVER meet!

I can't wait to see her after the LONGESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST TIME EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I mean for real I don't remember the last time I even saw her, this is the most exciting part. The least exciting is definitely leaving my brother Karry and best friend Jackson for 2 months! I checked my weibo to see what everyone was up to and there were these hashtags that I didn't even know were going on!

#HateGabriella #SupportKelly #KellyYuan4Life #MissingKelly #GoAwayGabriella

The number one trending one tho was Support Kelly, I clicked on it to see many posts about the break up. I started tearing up.

Thank you everyone...

Hai everyone! Felt like greeting you. Anyways that's all for now! Until next time Take Care! Baiiiiiiiii!

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