Chapter 11

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Roy's P.O.V
I sat there looking at my phone when Kelly got a phone call, I sat and watched her face from panicked to pale, I stood up and luckily I did as she dropped her phone and started to fall back, however I caught her just before her head hit the floor.

"Karry come here quick, your sister just passed out." I said really panicked as Karry made his way over,
"She must of heard the news too and she did not take it well..." Karry said,
"What is the news Karry! Your sister passed out, we're on a plane to ChongQing and you are extremely panicked. Just tell us!" Jackson yelled,
"Jackson calm down, let's get Kelly into her convertible bed and I'll explain everything," Karry replied, I nodded and I gently placed her onto her bed and I picked her phone up, looks like that call ended.

We sat down in our seats, me and Jackson stared at Karry intensely as he took dep breaths,
"Come on ge, speak up." Jackson said getting a little annoyed,
"Well how am I gonna say this..." Karry said shaking a little,
"Just spit it out," I replied, as he took one more deep breath.
"Ok ok I'll tell you but your not gonna like it..." He said, "Our parents were all involved in a car accident..." My eyes widened and I almost passed out but I held it in, just barely tho.
"WHAT!" Jackson yelled as he spat his drink out,
"What was that for?! Like I said our parents are in a car crash! My goodness!" Karry exclaimed.

The rest of the ride was silent and we finally arrived back at ChongQing, I picked Kelly up bridal style and carried her out of the plane. She's so adorable asleep, I could just kiss her- wait what?! Snap out of it Roy, what am I thinking about, am I falling for her? I slowly but surely snapped out of my daydream and gently placed her in the limo and we all got in. It took quite a while but soon we arrived at the hospital, I carried her on my back into the hospital and the doctors took her to a room to take care of her since she had been passed out for an hour.

Afterwards, we were shown the way to our parents' rooms, my parents were in room 301, Jackson's were in 302 and Karry's were in room 303. Without hesitation I walked straight into their room to see them both unconscious and covered in bruises, I walked over and sat down by my mothers bed, please wake up soon...

Karry's P.O.V
I bursted through the doors to see my parents on a hospital bed with wires attached to them and they were covered in cuts and bruises. This reminds me of him...

Me and my family sat there looking at his poor little face on the hospital bed, Kelly had a firm grip of his hand as he sobbed, my mum was sobbing into my dad's chest and I sat there behind Kelly trying to comfort her a little. Suddenly the heart monitor stopped and the system was cut off, Kelly turned back at me in shock as I just stared for a bit before embracing Kelly into a tight hug. Seconds later, doctors and nurses came running in as we left.
~flashback ends~

I started to tear up a little bit as I walked closer to them, slowly I pulled a chair over and sat by my mother's bed and I held her hand,
"Hi mother, can you hear me? Please wake up, I don't wanna loose another member of my family... loosing Kory had already been the hardest part of my life, please I beg of you. Don't make it worse." I said as I cried and cried, then I released my mother's hand and I sat by my father,
"Hi father, please just wake up, Kelly is in a hospital bed because of the news, I'm here crying till I have no tears left and Kory would not want to see his family like this, I know you would like me to be careful and take care of my sister and I am and I always will, I promise. But you broke a promise, you promised me that you would look after yourself and mother when we were gone and now your here. Please I don't like seeing you like this." I cried as I released his hand and left to Kelly's room.

I opened the door and she was conscious but she looked dizzy so I walked over to her and I sat down,
"How are you feeling sis?" I asked drying up my tears,
"I'm fine, seriously but are mother and father ok?" She replied,
"Their unconscious in the hospital bed, basically what Kory was like before he passed..." I said the most upset I've ever been,
"Which room are they in?" She questioned,
"Just relax! You need to heal up yourself and you'll get bad memories which is when you will faint again and this time it would be you in wires!" I answered as she calmed down and relaxed a little but she was still tensed up a little.

"I'll go check on Roy and Jackson, I will be as quick as possible, I promise." I said, she replied with a simple nod. I slowly walked into Jackson's room to see him there sat holding the hands of his parents as tears dripped down his face and onto his rilakkuma, he wouldn't normally let anything get to him or get his rilakkuma dirty but this was different. I glanced up at me then looked down again I just replied with a whisper,
"I'll be there if you need me..." As I slowly left the room and I went into Roy's and he was sat there asleep, holding onto his mum's hand tight, I don't like seeing my brothers like this, crying their hearts out for their parents. I just left the room and back to Kelly.

Please be ok...

Kelly's P.O.V
I sat on the bed, helpless, as much as I wanted to help I couldn't and I swear I would do anything to keep my family safe. Tears dripped down my face as I remembered about what happened to him... I was afraid that it might happen to my parents too and that I would have no one but the boys left, please wake up soon mother and father. Suddenly Karry opened the door and sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed, i immediately embraced him into a hug and I absolutely needed it so bad with everything that was happening with our lives and it is so complicated.

Then out of nowhere, the doctors walked in with nurses and said to me,
"Your free to go when your ready, just be careful next time," and with that he left the room, I slowly slid off the bed and I made my way over to my parents' room where they were covered in cuts, bruises and wires, I covered my mouth with my hand and just stared at it in shock. This can't be, no please survive. I could feel the heat of the tears streaming down my face again, smearing my makeup but I could care less.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, scaring me a little, I turned around to see Roy with Karry and Jackson stood next to him, I gave him a small smile before going back to the glum face again,
"Come on Kelly we need to go, we can check on them tomorrow." Roy said as he tried to drag me, but I didn't budge at all,
"Come on LiLi, let's go." Karry said but I still didn't move, instead I stood there staring at their bodies on the bed,
"Come on guys leave her be, we'll check up on you and our parents tomorrow, lets go." Jackson said as he pushed the boys away leaving me in the silent room.

I walked over and sat down, holding onto my mothers hand,
"Please wake up, I can't loose anyone at this stage, I've gotten fired, I've lost Kory, and I don't want to loose my only hopes, you, father, Karry, Jackson, Roy. You guys are the ones that keep me happy and alive and going, without you, I don't know what I would do..." I said as I felt my eyes start to swell up a little bit, but I didn't care, I cried and cried and cried until slowly I cried myself to sleep. Please be alright...

Well that was a twisted turn of events...

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