Chapter 4

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The silver wall gleamed reflecting all light, beyond the wall held castles and vineyards for miles. The lush green and cold stone, high contrast to the barren wasteland outside of the wall. The polluted air that creates smog, deathly to our prey. Metals and men's work days and nights to keep up a lifestyle and family. The there government was dooming everyone as they slowly killed off our favourite food source. The selected areas the Queen had picked for us, the prettiest of places. There are four classes the Royals, Second class, Lower Class and the untouchables. Each 'Class' is selected in a different area, and all are spread out.

Moving towards the wrought iron gate. The Guards stood at the attention of my small frame.
"Lady Nyx! Your back earlier than expected." One of the guards rushed out coming to my side.

My eyes steeled, "We had sort of a run in. Some of our men are injured and need to be aided. When the rest come bring them all back to the infirmary. "
Walking towards the gate as they .lrushed to open it.

Home, the one word that I always knew well. The Second class Complex and I owned most of it. Lady Nyx, just another Noble. Humans call it a leader of sorts I guess. The Shadow family rules directly under the queen, just like the rest of the ten families. I walked across the cobblestone; the daylight was waking the animals that resided within the walls.

I walked along the houses that made up the black market, and I shouldn't know about it. Little miss Princess shouldn't be on patrol, shouldn't be the head guard, shouldn't dress this way. According to my mother, a princess should sit on her throne drinking tea and watching her tower crumble along with herself.

Heads bowed as I move through, barely noticing the whispers of the ones beneath me.

"Nyx, Sweet child. Why are all bruised up? " A woman with dark brown hair and elegant fabrics. Inspected my face, her eyes a deep blue. This would also be my mother, Mistress Saedia Shadows. Not to cause a scene her hand grabbed my arm, digging her nail in. "Come child. We need to get you cleaned up. " She pulled me across the shopping district of town, back to my stone prison.

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