Do you remember us...?

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" Thank you but...."

" Who are you...?"

Akashi's POV


" I know this is some joke Ritsu.. You must've really be in pain while the current me was gone.." I said chuckling on her question,

" What do you mean a joke..? I'm serious mister.. Who are you? Really?" Ritsu backs away a bit and asks,

" What do you mean? Ritsu, stop fooling around, it's not anymore funny than it looks like" I said getting mad a bit,

This must be some kind of joke..

She mustn't have forgotten about me did she..?

" Who are you? And what are you doing here in my room?" She asks backing away more,

" Ritsu, I'm Seijuro, Akashi Seijuro, don't you know me already?" I asked not letting my anxiety take over,

Please say no..

Please say that you have never forgotten about me..

" I'm sorry.. I don't think that I've met you before.." She said,



She forgot about me..

What happened to her..?

Am I really that cold to her before to force her to forget about me..?

" Akashi-kun? Are you-- Neesan!" Kuroko entered the room shocked that Ritsu is awake,

He ran to her and gave her a light hug,

" I was worried about you Neesan.." He said looking glad,

" Gomen Niisan..." Ritsu said and hugged him too,

She remembers Kuroko..?

If she remembers him then why can't she remember me?

" it's good to have you back Ritsu.."
" Okacchi!!"
" welcome back Okachin.."
" Oi Ritsu! Don't you worry us like that again!"
" Okairi Ritsu-chan!"
" I'm glad your ok now Nanodayo.."

The others Went in as well,

But Ritsu still look like she recognizes them so well..

Why don't she know me?

" Sorry for worrying everyone.." Ritsu spoke,

" I'm sure Okacchi's happy now because Akashicchi is here now!" Kise said,

" That may be a problem.." I spoke,

" Wht are you talking about nanodayo?" Shintaro asked me,

" It appears she has forgotten about me.." I said in a low tune,

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