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*When Ritsu comes back home with Akashi*

*Ritsu and Akashi goes back on Ritsu's cafe first*

Ritsu's POV

*doorbell dings as the door opened*

" Irishaima-- Ritsu-Chan!!!!" Hayano said and jumped to Me for a tight hug,

" We missed you Ritsu-chan!" He whined like a kid while in a hug.

I'm glad to see them again..

" I missed you guys too" I said with a chuckle and pulled away from the hug from Hayano.

" Welcome back Ritsu. I'm glad you remembered Akashi now.. So does this mean you 2 are a thing again?" Nijimura asked teasing me a bit,

I got flushed then my cheeks turned into a shade of crimson red,

" We're still gonna go out before I answer him you know!!" I said and smacked his head,

" Ow! Ok.." He said and chuckled as well,

" So, Where's our payslip? We worked 6 whole days here you know?" Akatsuki said with a pouted face while gesturing for payment,

" Ok! Ok! I'll give you guys payment.. But not now of course.. I used most of my saved money for my operation you know?" I said.

" It's ok My empress. I volunteered to pay your fee at the hospital, you still have your saved money on your bank account.." Seijuro whispered to me,

" Arigato Sei-chan!" I said and hugged him a bit,

" Hey Ritsu, Are you forgetting what day is today?" Nijimura asked raising an eyebrow,

" Umm... Tuesday? Is there anything special today?" I asked,

" You idiot, It's your birthday today!" He shouted and smacked me in the head lightly,

" Ow! Wait. Really?! I didn't even know it is!" I said,

" I'm suprised you forgot.." Akashi chuckled,

" Ritsu-chan!!!" I heard a call then the next thing I know, I was slammed in the ground with someone,

" Sat-chan.. It's... Oww.." I said and groaned,

*insert Ritsu comically dies*

" R-Ritsu-chan!!" Hayano exclaimed.

" Gomen gomen.." Momoi said and helped me stand me up,

" S-So what's up?" I asked stretching my bones back,

" I was thinking if I can spoil you since it's your birthday, we can go to the mall together! Tetsu-kun told me to hang out with you so he can get his turn as well later" She explained,

Spoil? Me? I'm already a bit spoiled.. ^^'

" I think that's a good idea, you go with Momoi-san, while I prepare something for you too.." Akashi told me with a light smile,

" Well.. I was gonna help the others here in the cafe.." I said thinking doubts,

" It's ok, It's your birthday anyway, we'll handle things here, You go with Momoi, we'll just see you later to celebrate" Niji said,

" Fine, I'll get dressed upstairs just a sec.." I said and went up to my room,

I got dressed and  just wore a black tshirt and put on a baby blue jacket and black pants for the bottom and just wore dark blue boots,


The moment I got dressed, Momoi-chan and I went to the mall after bidding goodbye to the others,

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