Chapter: 13 - "Liam's Journal"

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Songs for the Chapter:

Fade Out Line- Phoebe Killdeer and The Short Straws

I'm Gonna Be (500Miles)- Sleeping At Last

Everything- Ben Howard

Who Are You- Fifth Harmony

Liam's P.O.V:

The flat smelled like skunk, my arse was hurting from the worn out couch, my feet were numb, and I was high as fuck.

It was damn awesome.

The strong pungent smoke lingered in the air as Zayn and I sat on the couch. I took the joint from Zayn's offering hand and put the paper between my lips, taking a long drag. It settled in my lungs for a few seconds until I let it float out my mouth only for me to bring the smoke back into my body through my nose and blow it back out.

"So then she said, 'I'm sorry' and then she walked out. And I was like, 'shit' and then I punched a whole in the wall and then I was like, 'Ow'."

Zayn had his eyes squinted and one of his legs laid on the coffee table. "Fuck. That's. . . well, pretty fucked up."

"I know." I said exasperated. "Now." I sighed. "Now, I don't really know what to do."

I handed the burning joint to Zayn and took a swig of my beer. Zayn ghost inhaled the thick smoke back into his mouth. after setting the joint on a tray he suggested, "You know, Maybe you should just tell your parents."

"What? No, bro. They'll completely flip the fuck out. There's already enough drama in our family, I don't need to make more."

"It seems like that's your only option, if you want her back."

Tears started to well up in my eyes. "Naw, man, she probably hates me." I muffled.

"Are you stupid? Dude she loves you. Way more than you think."

Warm tears rushed down my cheeks. "I just really miss her, you know?" 

Zayn placed his hand on my shoulder and slightly squeezed. "Let it out, man." He handed me the joint. "Let it out."

I sniffled before taking in a long drag. I sobbed while blowing out the smoke."This is some really good shit." I under toned towards the roll. Zayn took it from my hands and inhaled the smoke once again. 

My head felt heavy and my eyes were drooping. I pulled out my phone and read the time. 


"I'm tired, man." I huffed and wiped my damp cheeks. I got up and shoved my phone into my pocket.    Zayn stood up quickly and stood in front of me.

"You should crash here. You shouldn't be driving."

I lifted my arms and let them fall to my sides. "Psh, people high do it all the time." I tried to walk past him.

 He put his hand on my chest and shoved me back slightly. "Yeah. People who smoke on a daily basis and are used to it."

"So then why don't you take me home?"

He laughed. "Two reasons. One: How am I supposed to get back home? Two: Why would I take you home so your parents can freak out about you smoking weed? There gonna smell it on you."

"Valid point." I agreed. 

"Just go down the hall to your left. First door." I slightly tripped on the coffee table, trying to walk to the hallway. I heard Zayn chuckle from behind me so I flipped him off and continued towards the hallway. "Hey, take a shower before you get in the bed. Perrie will get mad. She just washed the duvet." I stuck my middle finger out towards him again before walking into the bedroom, shutting the door,  and falling onto the soft mattress. 

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