Chapter 4: That's Definitely A Talent

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Song: No Promises by Shawn Mendes

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Song: No Promises by Shawn Mendes

"I've never been a fan of heartbreak
So tell me what you want
Take my hands across your body
We don't have to hold on
Oh no we don't need to over complicate it
Cause I've been here once before don't even say it."

☼ ☽  ☼

My headphones are being ripped out of my ears and my sunglasses are taken away.

"Hey!" I protest, using my hand to shield my eyes. Nina leers over me with a wicked grin on her face. "What do you want?"

She moves closer so her head is blocking the sun. "Would you care if Sam tagged along with us to the mall tomorrow? He wouldn't be in the way."

I sigh. "You know I don't care, but you have to talk to my parents about that."

She falls onto the space beside me, burying her knees in the sand. "Will you talk to them with me? Just assure them that we're just friends. And I will too, of course. I think it would be fun."

"Yeah, sure," I say, closing my eyes again. "We'll talk to them at dinner. Now can I please have my glasses and headphones back?"

Nina hums and doesn't return my things.


"Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you and Lukas the night of the bonfire? I saw you two walk off."

My eyes open again. "We walked down the beach for a few minutes."

"Wait—I didn't see that part. I'm talking about when you followed him to his car. Katherine, you're holding out on me."

I snort. "Nothing happened. He just showed me some of his sketches, but then Jason came looking for him."

"Oh, so he's an artist..." She trails and slowly grins. "That means he'll probably sketch you eventually, even if you never see him again." Then she places her hands over her chest. "Lukas, draw me like one of your French girls—"

"Nina!" I laugh and nudge her with my hand. "Stop it!"

She laughs too. "I can't be the only one thinking it."

I turn away from her and fold my arm under my head. "Yes, you're the only one thinking that. He simply showed me a few sketches, like some of his tattoos."

Nina still lingers. "And what other kind of sketches?"

I feel my cheeks heat. "That's it."

She pokes my side. "You're a dirty little liar, Kath, but that's okay. I'll let it slide for now." She hands back my glasses and headphones. "See you for dinner."

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