Chapter 8: Don't Let Your Crown Slip

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"Are you nervous?" Nina inquires.

            "What? No."

            Nina points to my shoes and laugh. "You're wearing two different sandals, Kath."

            I look down at my feet and my mouth parts. "Okay, but in my defense, they look the same," I say.

            She shakes her head. "One is brown and the other is black. Two completely different colors. Hurry and change so you can leave."

            I huff, feeling my cheeks warm as I make my way back upstairs to fix my shoe dilemma. I settle with the strappy brown ones instead because they match my summer dress better. Nina's right about me being nervous. Lukas is once again, making me nervous. Spending the whole day with him could be a bad idea, but I'm into bad ideas right now.

            Once I'm ready, I tell my parents Nina and I are going to a bookstore in St. Augustine, but I'm dropping Nina off with Sam at his house.

            "Before you get out of the car," I say to Nina, "how far have you and Sam..."

            Nina laughs. "He hasn't even kissed me yet, don't worry. And I'm not ready for that. The only intimate thing he's really done is hold my hand."

            "That's adorable."

            Nina swings the door open and steps out. "Just pick me up whenever you're done spending time with Jack Dawson—sorry, I meant Lukas." Then she playfully smacks her forehead. "Silly me. Have fun." She closes the car door and walks up the driveway to Sam's house.

            I still use GPS to get to Lukas's house, because it's going to take more than one time to actually have the address imbedded in my memory. From Kyle's house, it takes twenty minutes to get to Lukas's house. I park my car and climb out without thinking too hard about it. There's two cars in the driveway and I know one belongs to Lukas. Maybe the other belongs to his dad.

            Walking up the broken path, I come to a stop at the door and knock quickly before taking a small step back. I breath out and tuck a strand of hair away from my face.

            The door opens, revealing a guy leaning on a cane. His hair is dark like Lukas's and it takes way too long to make the connection.

            "Is Lukas available?" When I say it, I sound like a Barbie robot.

            He smiles a little. "Uh, yeah. And you are?"

            I quickly offer him my hand. "Katherine. I'm a friend of his."

            With his available hand, he shakes mine. "He's mentioned you. It's nice to meet you finally. I'm Lewis."

            When he smiles, I can see where Lukas gets it from, but his dad's eyes are hazel instead of blue. It makes me wonder were Grace and Lukas got those blue eyes from. "It's nice to meet you too," I reply and let go of his hand.

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