Chapter 9: The spirit of the coven.

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Chapter 9

 I woke to complete silence, the kind of silence that could drive a man crazy and no one could call peaceful. There were no birds chirping, no rustling of trees or wind brushing against the window panes, nor was there any sound of household appliances coming to life, or living creatures scurrying about, just silence that had me snapping my fingers to make sure I hadn’t suddenly gone deaf.

I hopped out of the oddly shaped bed I’d fallen into in complete exhaustion the night before and made my way to the connecting bathroom, which of course like everything else in the place was extraordinarily opulent.

I didn’t take much time to enjoy the feel of the soft towel against my face as I dried it, nor did I spend a particularly lengthy space of time in the shower to take in the beauty of what I was certain were actual golden faucets.  I just did what I needed to do and got out and as I made my way down stairs I hummed to drown out the uncomfortable stillness.

The place was empty as far as I could tell and while every room was immaculate it felt as if no one had really lived here. My humming grew louder with each room I passed through and I found myself pulling curtains apart to let in the sunlight; the place was creepy enough without the darkness.

It wasn’t until my growling stomach led me to the kitchen –which hadn’t been easy to find- that I finally met another ‘living’ soul. She was of course a vampire; a drudge as kaio would call it and she stood just inside the kitchen; a fake smile plastered on her pale face.

“My Lord has asked that you join him this day.” She announced and I wondered if she’d just been standing there waiting for me this whole time.

“Uhuh.” I looked at her strangely as she continued to watch me and when I reached over to the counter to grab a fresh looking bread roll her hand shot out to stop me.

She smiled again. “I must insist.”

Then she was leading me up staircase after staircase, twisting corners and through hallways until she opened the final door and we were on the roof, the blinding sunlight had me shading my eyes with my palm and without a word the drudge left. I suppose it shouldn’t have surprised me that the roof looked pretty damn good too, after all it seemed as though these beasts thrived on beauty.

I took a few steps forward, taking in the small table laden with the most mouthwatering dishes I’d ever seen. Everything looked fresh and succulent, from the fruits to the loaves to the meat and my stomach growled at the sight.

“Feel Free to eat what you can, this is all for you.”

I glanced up at the sound of his voice and my eyes narrowed when I saw him standing not too far away; is back facing me. A few steps in his direction and I too was looking out at just the most magnificent view. I’d thought the coven grounds were beautiful but this…this was something else.

“Holy fuck.”

“I thought you would appreciate it.” I could hear the smile in his voice and I glanced his way.

He looked back at me, the usual sparkle in his eyes absent.

“I trust you slept well?”

“Sure.” The guilt I felt was irrational. He’d sealed his own fate by taking me here. I’d simply made a decision that was best for me.

He nodded and turned back to the view, failing to offer much more in the way of conversation and my guilt grew.

“Look you’re a grown man...vampire, I don’t know much about the vamp lifestyle but this is the twenty first century, arranged marriages are practically a thing of the past. Just don’t do it.”  

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