Chapter 21: Night Life.

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Chapter 21

~Rien’s POV~

I slammed my fists against the surface of the table and the hard wood shattered instantly. No one in the room uttered a word as they watched me.

“Any word from the trackers I sent out?” I questioned no one in particular, but Kaio’s voice rose up from the group; soft and lacking its usual confidence.

“They lost the scent my Lord. Tony cannot be found beyond the walls of the coven.”

A flurry of scenarios spun through my mind, each one more terrifying than the first, and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, before I spoke again.

“He has been missing since the morning, how could you have kept this news from me until now?” I questioned my most loyal drudge in the calmest voice I could muster.

I could hear the rapid beating of his heart as he struggled to answer, and for the first time since I had known him, I felt a disappointment so great, I could hardly stand to look at him.

“I thought I could find him on my own my Lord. He is my duty and I failed you.” He whispered.

I closed my eyes, calmed my breathing, and listened to the silence, searching out Tony’s heartbeat as I had done so many times since I had learned the news, but as with all the other times, I heard nothing but the sounds around me, which meant he was too far away from the coven, or…or his heart was no longer beating.

For the first time since I awakened on this earth I knew what it meant to be afraid. I could not begin to understand what had happened. I had left him sleeping soundly between my sheets only this morning, and now not a soul seemed to know where he was.

My first thought had been that he had run away, but without help, he would not have been able to pass through the main gates, and there was not a vampire here willing to aid a human in his escape.

Now I imagined far worse things; like his lifeless body drained of blood, or him trapped and afraid somewhere, waiting for me to rescue him.

I turned my eyes on everyone in the room, my gaze travelling from one face to the next, from the drudges, to the warriors and to my trusted brethren. “You will search high and low for him, both inside the walls of the coven and outside. Harm no humans in your wake, just bring Tony back to me safely.” I commanded, then watched as they departed.

“Kaio.” I called out as he turned to leave. “You will remain here with me, and you will explain exactly why you allowed him to take one step outside these doors without your supervision.


~Tony’s POV~

“You sure the thing you sprayed on us will cover our scent?” I asked Christophe again, and he regarded me as if I was stupid.

“As I have said so many times before, no blood drinker will find us. We are free to enjoy what is left of this night, just as we have enjoyed the day so far.” He finished with a smile. Then he pointed to the drink I’d ordered for him just moments before.

“Now tell me, what is it about this concoction that humans find so tasteful? I fail to see the attraction.”

I grinned. “It’s not supposed to taste good, it just makes you feel good.” I explained and once again he picked up the glass and sipped the amber liquid.

“I feel no better than I was a minute ago.” He announced in annoyance and I laughed.

“You’ve only had two sips Snowflake, what’d you expect?”

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