Chapter 20: The Ant and his escort.

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Chapter 20

~Tony’s POV~

I kicked the pebble and watched as it bounced across the pavement and into the nearby shrubs, then I kicked another, and another, and another until the boredom got to me and I continued walking.

My mind was everywhere, and I felt like I was losing it. I remembered a time when I could make a half decent decision and stick with it, now I decided on something and I had to rethink it, and question it until I didn’t even know which way to turn.

I did it with Rien, and I was doing it with Malik. I still didn’t trust the guy, that wouldn’t change, but I’d gone from being slightly obsessed with finding out exactly why he couldn’t be trusted, to not giving a rat’s ass about what he did, so long as he didn’t interfere with me.

Then of course, there was the ever present Rien situation. That one was tricky, and more than a little frustrating. I had to decide whether to risk it all again and be with him, or let him move on with his new mate. Then to add another rock to the pile…sleeping with him at a time when I needed my mind clear enough to make a reasoned decision.

I felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions as I fought with logic, lust, my heart and my instincts. The answer was right there in front of me, but I didn’t know which was the right one, and there was no one else out there who could just tell me what to choose.

I kicked another pebble as I walked, and watched it skate across the pavement and slam into the tip a stark white boot.

I looked up, coming face to face with their owner, and my annoyance grew.

“Just what I needed today, my very own ball of cotton.” I issued sarcastically as Christophe approached me, his mouth turned up slightly in a condescending smile.

“Ah, Little Ant, I am surprised to see you without your usual guard.” He said, coming to stand before me, his hands behind his back and his long white hair blowing in the wind.

“Yeah well, I’m surprised to see you on this side of the playground. If you’re looking for Rien, he’s not here.” I got straight to the point, and he looked at me in surprise.

“Look for him? If only such a thing were allowed.”

I raised a brow in askance.

“Do you think that if familiars were allowed to simply call upon the master class whenever we pleased, that Lord Riener’s home would ever be free of guests?” he began. “You are very fortunate to be allowed the chance to dine with one so esteemed Little Ant. I would advise you to treasure it while you still can.” He had the audacity to laugh then, and I felt an almost overwhelming desire to rip the hair from his head.

Instead, I said; “Is there a point to this conversation, or can I get on with my life?”

He seemed to think on it for a second. “I suppose not. I am merely out for a stroll. I must say, I am very surprised to see you so far away from Lord Rien’s dwelling place. I will offer you another piece of advice…do not stray too far without an escort. You would be surprised at just how many in this coven would be glad to see your head mounted on a stick.”

I glanced back to Rien’s place which was only a short walk down the path, and shook my head.

“I think I can manage.” I sidestepped him and continued, I needed to clear my head and a walk alone would do me some good.

“Very well, then I shall offer my services as your chaperone.” He called out behind me, and I snorted.

“No offense Snow flake, but I can take care of myself.”

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