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7. Detroit

Dave East

It's been a long time since I've been down here. And everything still looked the same. Rustic, dusty, and raggedy. I've been driving for hours from Los Angeles to Detroit which wasted about a day's worth. Dre had given Nasir and I the address to where this Johnnie nigga was staying making things easier. I don't know what this nigga did to piss off Dre and I didn't care, I just wanted to get paid. No harm no foul.

I looked at the time and saw that it was almost 11 in the morning. I pulled over to the nearest fast food joint I could find and got some breakfast. Nasir and Tristan were knocked out, so I left them there. But I still ordered them food in case they woke up. I sat in the back of McDonalds spot and started eating my breakfast. Shit was on point too! As I moved on to my third McGriddle in walked in the sleeping beauties.

"Look who decided to finally wake up." I said.

"Shut up man, why the fuck did you leave us in that hot ass car?" Nasir said. "I was sweating, shit."

"Sleep is for the weak, bro." I said.

"Yo, where are we?" Tristan asked.

"We in Detroit." I said.

"Really? Shit ain't change." Nasir said.

"I said the same thing." I said.

Both of them sat down and helped me finished eating breakfast. "How close are we?" Nasir asked.

"He lives about 5 miles down the road." I said.

"What did he do to make Dre mad?" Tristan asked.

"I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that we getting paid and I can finally be out this shit." I said.

Nasir gave me a look. "Whatchu mean?"

"I've been wanting to stop for a while now, but I could never bring myself down to do it until recently." I explained.

"This ain't about that chick is it?" Nasir asked.

"What chick?" Tristan asked.

"A few weeks ago, Dave saved this chick from being gang raped by these assholes and she went out with as payment." Nasir explained.

"What's her name?" Tristan asked.

"Veronica." I said.

I took out my phone and showed them a picture of her. Both of Tristan's and Nasir's eyes widen real quick. "She's beautiful." Tristan said.

"I know." I said.

We continued to talk for about another 45 minutes before leaving and continuing to drive. I got in the backseat and drifted off to sleep.


Almost an hour later and we finally got to the place. I looked up and saw this Brownstone but better and cleaner. This nigga bought himself a condo with the money. The three of us got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I was in front as Nasir and Tristan followed behind. I knocked on the door and within a few seconds a girl answered the door.

"Who are you?" She asked

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"Who are you?" She asked.

"Is Johnnie here?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "What did my brother do now?"

"We need to talk to him." Nasir said.

"And what if he's not here?" She said.

"Then you need to tell us, where he is. We're on a deadline." Tristan said.

She didn't say anything for a couple seconds before opening the door a little wider letting us in. The three of us walked passed her as she closed the door behind us. "He's downstairs plaint his dumb video games." She said.

"Thank you..."

"Shea." She introduced.

"Thank you Shea." I smiled.

The three of us headed downstairs to where Shea said Johnnie would be. I opened the door and saw Johnnie playing Black Ops. Without thinking twice about it, I unplugged the game to get his attention.

"Yo what the fuck?" Johnnie said.

"Get up, we're leaving." I said.

Johnnie raised an eyebrow. "First off fuck you! Second who are you and why is in my house?"

"Dre sent us." Nasir said.

His facial expression changed and knee what this had to mean. "Shit!" Johnnie shouted. "How did you find me?"

"Doesn't matter, just get your shit and let's go." I demanded.

Johnnie did what he was told and we all left together. We got into the BMW and started driving. Johnnie was in the backseat and hadn't said anything since we left the house. I didn't know if whether or not that was a good or bad thing. We were in Arizona when my phone vibrated. I checked and saw that it was a message from Veronica. I didn't bother to read it because I needed to stay focused. I told her she would see me in a couple of days and that's what she needs to understand. Whether she knows what I do or not.

Roni Quinn

I'm talkin' trips to Puerto Rico
Say the word and we go
You can be my freaka
Girl, I'll be a fleeko, mamacita
I will never make a promise that I can't keep
I promise that your smile ain't gone never leave

I sand Bruno Mars x That's What I Like as it blasted through my earphones. I looked at the time and realized it was about 12 am. I know it's only been a day but Dave hasn't texted or called me. I picked up my phone and texted him first.

Miss u already. Cn't wait 2 see u again. -Me 12:01 am

I knew he'd text me back within a few seconds but when 10 minutes passed by and he didn't text me, I knew something was wrong.
Dave was cryptic about leaving and now he's not texting me back. I kinda knew this would happen. Dave doesn't want to see me anymore and instead of telling me straight up, he "left" town and left me here wondering. Veronica Quinn is no fool.

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