Driving back to the office building took longer than it took the first name. When we got there I automaticly raced into the building and up the stairs. Once I reached the big silver doors that I knew Josh was behind I started knocking. He wasn't answering. Why wasn't he answering?!
"Josh! It's Anna! I've made up my mind." He still didn't answer. I slid down to the floor and leaned my back against the door. Erik came up the stairs and saw me sitting there, trying not to cry.
"Anna? What's wrong?" He whispered to me. I shook my head. Not willing to answer him. He looked at the door and then me leaning against it again. "Josh isn't answering eh?" I shook my head again. no.
"Why are you being nice to me?" I finally asked him. He shrugged. Then mumbled something under his breath. "Igotachoicelikethistooonce." I didn't understand so I just looked at him with a blank expression. He took a deep breath, then tried again. "I got a choice like this too once. I understand why you want to go back. I wanted to too but didn't and now it's too late"
I was shook up by this news. I wanted to question more but didn't. It wasn't my place to. He seemed to be reminiscing about this whole subject. I felt bad for bringing it up in the first place. For putting him through the same situatuon again but this time he wasn't getting the choice. He was helping me through it. Helping me trying to understand and get through this whole death thing.
I just remembered I was dead. Ha. This isn't what everyone on earth thought death was like. I'm not able to walk through walls or haunt people. I don't feel like a ghost and I'm not even transparent! I swear that we were all idiots thinking that death was something else. Something childish.
I looked up at Erik who was already looking at me. I decided to ask one more question. "Did Josh or whoever show you what your life would have been like if you had taken the chance to live again?"
I wanted- no. I needed to know. I needed to know what I was getting myself into 1000% if I actually took this chance. Erik looked pained to answer, I'm guessing he didn't want to say anything that would influence my desicion. He opened his mouth, then shut it again. He seemed to be at war with himself over this question. Again I felt bad for asking. Stupid me. Before I could apoligize though He opened his mouth again.
"Yes. Josh did show me what my life would be like. That's not a story for right now though okay Anna?"
I nodded my head and then a grin broke out on my face. "You called me Anna." I said laughing. He laughed too and then sat down next to me on the floor "You're gonna be alright. I promise." He said.
At that moment Josh opened the door to his office. "Sorry, was on the phone with the wife... Geesh". He laughed a little then he invited us in.
"So Annalia." He started "Have you made up your mind?"
I nodded silently. I looke to Erik to seemed to have a poker face back on.
I took a deep breath in and then started whispering.
"I want another chance at life."
Josh didn't seem to hear me because he had a confused look on his face still. I spoke a bit louder this time.
"I want another chance at life... One on condition."
What am I doing? Stupid Anna. Stupid Anna. Making a deal with the guy who's going to put you back on earth. How could I be so dumb?
Josh looke intrigued though. "Keep going..." He said.
"I'll take you up on this chance I get. If Erik can come with me."