Chapter 5

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"If Erik can come with you?" Josh asked. I nodded. I knew this was a bad idea. I totally just blew my chance at going back to earth. I held my head down in shame and turned to the door to leave.

"Wait." Josh called after me. I turned around but kept my head down. He didn't care as he continued speaking though. "Your new name on earth Anna, will be Sydney." He then looked at Erik. "Erik, you will watch over Anna/Sydney and your new name will be Michael"

We both nodded. Not sure what to say. I didn't think this would happen for real. I took a chance and was ready for it to backfire. Now I'm not sure what kind of chance I have at reliving life. I looked over to find Erik walking out of the room. I turned to follow him when Josh called after me. "Wait Anna. I wish to speak to you"

I gulped. I already knew what this was about. This was about my death, and I wasn't sure I wanted to have this conversation yet.

"Annalia, why did you lie to Erik about your death?"

Damnit how did he know?

"Josh..." I didn't know how to continue so I decided to take another chance and ask question in return. "Josh, why am I the 'special one'? That's what you called me wasn't it?"

Josh sat down, he seemed to be looking for an answer somewhere deep inside his mind. His eyes misted over and he was sitting like a stone. I took a seat opposite to him. Waiting.

I don't remember how long I was waiting. It could have been 5minutes or 5hours. I zoned out for a while not really thinking but not really being asleep or awake. What got me out of this trance was Josh standing up. I stood up to go after him, and he waved a hand telling me to sit back down.

I did and he started whispering it was loud enough for me to hear though. "Annalia, you are not the one special one. There is a list I have that only I can see. The special ones have a chance at renewing their lifes. Why? So they can help the people who felt exactly like they did. They're like the angels I send down to help people. Unfortunatly sometimes, the special ones chose not to go back, and another person dies to fill their place. That's you Anna."

I was still very curious and a little confused about what he meant.

"So I, me, Annalia Berk, get to save someone's life? That's insane! I couldn't even save my own..."

"I know all about your suicide Annalia. It's okay, but now you have the chance to go save a boys life. And Erik? He will get to renew his savior card. He couldn't save you...shit."

I jumped back. He couldn't save me? He was supposed to be the one who saved my life? He chose not to go back to earth? He let me die and he doesn't even know? What?? I zoned back in to hear Josh finish his speech.

"...and Anna, don't tell Erik what I just told you. And you may tell him about your death when the time is right. To your standards. Not mine."

I turned to leave, believing he had finished because he stopped talking. I opened the door and it was halfway closed when I heard Josh talk again. "Oh, Anna?" I stuck my head back into the room. He saw me so he continued. "Only if you save the boy, can you and Erik both remain on earth. Good luck you leave tomorrow"

With that I closed the door and decided to find Erik. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day and I still didn't know where we were going or what we were going to look like. All I knew was back one earth? Their skittles tasted a lot better than these ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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