Chapter 2

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This week at the BAU is filled with paper work. The time goes by slowly but the mood at the unit remains good since they have something fun to look forward to; the reunion with Emily. Garcia has taken upon herself to plan a suprise party for their friend. Morgan is helping her with the party planning for the simple reason that Garcia is making him.
"Okay everyone, listen up!" Garcia says as she walks in to the BAU office on friday morning. "We are all meeting Emily outside this building at 5 pm tonight. Do not be late." Garcia says with a serious look that changes into a smile as the words leaves her mouth.
" Does Emily know where we're going tonight?" Dr. Spencer Reid asks.
"The point of a suprise party is that the one the party is for doesn't know anything about it so they can get, you know, suprised." David Rossi answers his younger colleague. They all laugh a little at this and Reid feels his cheeks heat up a bit.

When the clock shows 5 pm the profilers are all gathered outside the bureau. Emily hasn't arrived yet but she just texted Morgan saying she's on her way. Twenty minutes later there's still no sight of Emily.
"God where is she? How long does she plan on letting us wait here for her?" JJ thinks out loud.
"We should call her." Their unit chief Aaron Hotchner says.
" Well there is no point of me doing it because she doesn't answer when I call her." JJ says.
"I'll do it" Morgan offers and fishes his phone up from his pocket.
Emily doesn't pick up. Garcia calls Emily too but no answer this time either.
"That's weird. Why isn't she picking up?" Garcia says.
"What if something has happen to her?" Reid says concerned.
" Emily still lives in her old apartment when she's here in the US right?" Hotch asks Garcia.
"Yes, why?" Garcia answers.
"Let's go there and see if Prentiss is okay."
With that they all get into their cars and speed off to Emily's apartment.

They're standing outside Emily's apartment and Morgan knocks on the door.
"Emily!? Are you in there!? Emily!" Morgan shouts. There's no answer.
"Wait, Emily gave me a key to her apartment once, I've got it here somewhere." JJ says and opens her purse. She pulls out a key and place it in the key hole and unlocks the door. She opens the door and just inside it lays an unconscious Emily with her phone in her right hand. Morgan rushes to Emily and shakes her lightly.
"Emily? Come on wake up!" The chocolate colored agent says.
"I'm calling an ambulance" Rossi states.

Five minutes later the ambulance arrives and Emily gets taken care of. She's still unconscious when the ambulance drives off to the hospital.
JJ still stands in the doorway. She got so shocked seeing Emily like this that she totally froze on the spot. Ever since JJ found out about Emily's trip to the US she has been so angry at the brunett. She thought Emily was her best friend who would always have her back, and just like that she just broke all contact with JJ. What could possibly  be the reason for that? And just now when JJ was to open the door to Emily's apartment she was preparing a good confrontation. And then her friend was lying on her stomach on the floor and didn't respond when Morgan shook her. Everything spins around in the blond agent's head and JJ can't do anything but stand frozen to the spot.

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