Chapter 6

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"Come on Morgan, if anyone can do something it's JJ." Garcia argues
"No she can't because she will never know about this." Morgan states
"But she can-"
"NO! She can't do anything. She's married for crying out loud!" Morgan shouts as his anger gets the better of him.
"I still think we should tell her." Garcia says with a pout.
"No. We will walk out of here and pretend that this conversation never happened." Morgan says and turns around and leaves the conference room.
Morgan storms his way out into the bullpen and makes a beeline for the doors and leaves without a Word to anyone. JJ sits on top of Reid's desk with a confused look on her face. Were Morgan and Garcia arguing about her? And what is it that she isn't allowed to know about?
"What was that about?" Reid asks JJ
"I don't know. But since it clearly has something to do with me, I'm finding out what it is." JJ says as she stands up and walks towards the conference room.
Before JJ reaches the door Garcia comes out and angry wipes away the tears that keeps running down her cheeks.
"JJ" Garcia says surprised.
"Everything okay?" JJ asks
"Why wouldn't it be?" Garcia answers in a poor attempt to lie her way out of this conversation.
"Cut the crap Pen. I heard it. The whole damn bullpen heard it."
"What do you mean you heard it?"
"Well some one was leaning against the button to the speakers and-"
"Oh no! This is bad." Garcia says as she realize that the one person not allowed to hear the conversation had in fact heard it.
"What is it that I'm not allowed to know about? And what has my marriage to do with it?"
"I'm sorry JJ but I can't tell you."
JJ gestures for Garcia to go back into the conference room, which she does without question it. JJ follows her inside and locks the door behind her. Then she takes a chair and place it in front on the door and sits down on it.
"You and I are staying in here until you tell me what's going on." JJ says with a rather cold voice.
Garcia knows that she is trapped. She could never pass by JJ with force. The now slightly angry blond is a package of muscles in a small frame who can even out take Morgan if she has her mind set on it.
"Please JJ, I know that you want to know everything but I'm not allowed to tell you."
"Why? Why am I not allowed to know?"
Garcia doesn't know what to say so she stays quiet. About twenty minutes pass with no words being said. Garcia lifts her gaze and looks at JJ. She is chocked to see that there is no anger in her eyes. The only thing Garcia sees in the other woman's eyes is confusion. She looks kind of like a lost puppy. Morgan had been very clear about not telling JJ, but something in Garcia's heart is telling her that she has to tell her blond friend. Sure JJ is married, but that is only for the sake of Henry. Garcia knows for a fact that JJ didn't want to get married. She doesn't love Will as anything more than a friend. Garcia knows because JJ told her the day before her wedding. Garcia asked why she didn't call the wedding off. She didn't get an answer. At the altar JJ didn't even say 'I do'. She just nodded. And she looked quite uncomfortable when it was time to 'kiss the bride'. Maybe, just maybe, is JJ waiting for a reason to finally stand up for herself and stop pretending the 'happily married'-facade she's holding up. Maybe, just maybe, can Emily's secret be the answer.
"You win" Garcia says
"You win. I'll let you know everything. Just read this, don't show it to anyone, and when you're ready you can come see me in my office." Garcia says as she hands JJ the letter from Emily that she still had in her pocket.

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