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We head to the bus stop to wait for our bus. "Tae" i broke the silence. He looked at me while raising his eyebrows in question. "Thank your for bringing me to the arcade and hangang. I had a lot of fun thanks to you." He gave the back of my hand a peck."My wife must be happy in order for me to be happy too." He smiled. We took our bus back home. We both showered and finally. I get to sleep on his bed. He was whining for me to sleep in his room. "Okay baby." I ruffled his hair. We both lie down on the bed while facing each other. He was hugging me so tightly and i snuggled my head on the crook of his neck. My heart was beating so fast and was practically begging me to say those words properly to taehyung again. I pulled away and looked at him as he slowly opened his eyes. "Tae" i whispered. "I want you to know... that.... i love you. So much. I don't know what to do if i lose you. I would probably regret for the rest of my life. I don't want you to leave me because.. i decided to never leave you too. I want to be with you together... till we are able to watch our grandchildren running around the playground." A tear fell from my right eye. Taehyung became speechless. "Hey look at me." He wiped my tears of my cheek. "I won't leave you baby. That have never crossed my mind since we got married. And not only we will watch our grandchildren running around the playground but.. our hands will never separate even if that means we have to go to a better place. I will never ever leave you sweetheart." He ran his fingers through my hair stroking it. "I love you. That is the only thing that won't change for eternity." He reassured me while staring into my eyes. He kissed both my eyes and forehead for a long time. I fell asleep while feeling his soft lips pressing on my forehead. I won't ever get to experience this love if i rejected this marriage. God, please approve our love and never let us be separated from each other till our last breath.

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