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Alva's POV.

I walked through the small forest we have in the giant dome we live in. Uncle Tony was watching little Pym while the others play.

"Cousin Alva! Come join us!" Torunn, my blonde cousin, said as she flew to me.

"No thank you. I'd rather walk through the calm forest." I said politely. She shrugged and flew off. Pym was still a baby so she could only play with James and Azari. We were all about 5 or 6. I know that Torunn is 6, and so is James while me and Azari are 5. I walked to Uncle Tony and sat next to him on the stairs. I cooed at little Pym and then felt a weird sensation throughout my body. I ignored it but that was my first mistake.

"Alva!" Uncle Tony yelled when I vanished, which caught Torunn's attention.

"Cousin Alva?" She gasped when she also saw I was gone from my spot. Then next thing I know I'm in an underground shelter and I am helped up by an old woman.

"Where am I? Where's Torrun?!" I yelped when the woman put a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down young one. You are safe. You teleported here on accident." She smiled down at me to calm me. "Your Loki's daughter, are you not?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered, she guides me to a boy around Torrun's age and that's how I became friends with Francis.

Years later.

"Stop moving Mortal!" I yelled to a refugee. I've become more like my father in the language department I guess. I have galaxy hair that sometimes changes colours depending on lighting. I am currently trying to move a beam off of one of the refugees that traveled into the forbidden underground tunnels.

"Alva! Careful!" Francis yelled as he jumped and tackled me out of the air. I whipped my head into his direction from atop me, and see him looking smugly down upon me. "You could've been hurt by the beam."

"Mortal! Get off of me!" I shouted at him. We were friends, yes, but we got closer. We dated for a year before I broke up with him due to his... Habit of flirting with others. I've been mad at him for the past year. "I need no saving from a Mortal like you!"

"I wasn't kidding about the beam this time though!" He yelped as I threw him off of me. I looked at where I was floating once before and saw a beam had fallen from the roof. I glared at Francis.

"I warn you Mortal, any more funny business and I shall end your bloodline." I threatened and started to float into the air again. I use some of my magic to lift the beam from the refugee and help him back to the small underground area we call home.

"Good evening Alva. I see you've saved another refugee." My guardian, Betty Ross greeted.

"It has been a good evening indeed Mortal Betty Ross. How is everyone?" I asked calmly. She was the only Mortal I cared for now.

"They are fine. They hope that Ultron's reign of terror will soon end." She said, I simply shook my head, it was a normal day then. "Francis just left for patrol, you are not going along?"

"You know I don't care for Francis no longer. He has broken me and now I dislike Mortals- except you of course, Mortal Betty Ross." I explained.

"You know... I always thought you two were cute- but I somehow knew it wouldn't last due to both or your... Personalities." She said softly. We walked into her little 'room' with walls that are curtains. We heard ruckus outside and then Betty Ross walked out to check what Francis did now. I heard a familiar voice. Four to be exact, and they were talking about someone familiar.

"Uncle Tony?" I whispered confused.

"Alva! Get your hide out here!" Francis yelled. "We have some guests that say they know you!"

"What do you want Mortal?!" I yelled at him as I angrily flew from Betty's room. I held one hand on my sword handle and the other on my hip.

"A-Alva?" A soft voice whimpered. I turned quickly from Francis to see a blonde girl in Asgardian armor. "Cousin Alva!" She flew to me so fast that I dropped from the air from her impact. "How are you here?! We thought you vanished from Earth!"

"I simply teleported. The Mortal, Betty Ross helped me to control my magic." I informed and walked beside Betty Ross. "It is good to see you all once more. Including you young Pym. Where is Uncle Tony?"

Now edited due to new information.

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