Chapter 2:

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Torrun's POV.

I can't believe my cousin is dating James! I thought she knew I liked him... Well, we haven't seen each other in so long so, maybe she forgot?

"I can't believe she went behind my back and dated that loser." Francis grumbled.

"Don't talk about him like that!" I yelled at him.

"Woah, woah, woah beautiful, remember, they betrayed you. They betrayed BOTH of us." He said calmly. I held a tight grip on my sword and heard two female's laughing.

"Awwww it seems Francis is looking for a new play toy~" one teased.

"Guess he had enough of poor Alva. He broke her and now, she hates humans and may never be put back together." Another said sadly, but I could tell she was mocking Alva.

"Show yourselves!" I yelled out.

"Gladly~" the first voice said as they both jumped and landed in front of me. The first on had red hair, and she was bowing in front of me while the second one had black and white hair and had her arms crossed snobbish. "My name is Trisha Barnes, and this is my companion, Alayna Parker."

"My name is-"

"Torrun, daughter of Thor. We know who you are. It's pretty obvious and Alva wouldn't shut up about how she looked up to you as her sister and hero." Alayna hissed to me.

"Alayna! Don't be rude. We came for a reason!" Trisha scolded.

"And that reason is...?" Francis trailed off when they both glared at him.

"The first reason: murder YOU for breaking Alva! The second: catch up with Alva and the newcomers. The third: help rescue Tony Stark." Trisha said menacingly.

"Why do you wish to harm Francis?" I asked, confused that everyone was angry with him.

"Oh no reason. -Except he ruined Alva. He and Alva were dating for a year or two before she broke up with him because he'd constantly flirt with other girls." Alayna hissed, directing her anger at Francis this time. We then started walking to the camp and I saw James comforting a sobbing Alva.

"Alvy!" Trisha said childishly, running to her but not seeing her sadness. She froze in place when she saw her sobbing in James' arms. "Who. Did. This?!"

"Trisha, it was a misunderstanding." Betty Ross explained while Alva sobbed more and James rocked her back and forth and must have hummed a lullaby or something to calm her. "Alayna, Trisha, come with me, I'll explain."

"Alva?" I whispered beside James, no response so I went to the other side, where her face was. I saw her eyes closed peacefully and her lips parted softly. Her breathing was soft and calm. "Why was she crying?" I whispered, moving some of her galaxy hair behind her ear.


"You did this? You!" Alayna and Trisha yelled in unison, and furiously pointing at Francis and I. "You hurt our precious star! You shall perish between our rage!"

"ENOUGH!" A man yelled.

"There is no time for this! You must go and save Tony Stark." Betty Ross said after the man calmed down and left.

"Okay, we nee to hurry then." Francis said calmly. James picked Alva up and held her on his back, she clutched his shirt and didn't let go even when we jumped up and I feared she would fall.

"I've got her, just go." James told me. "I won't let anything happen to Alva."

"Protect my cousin, James." I told him as we snuck into the building which held Tony.

"She's not your cousin anymore, remember? You disowned her." He said calmly, but I saw he was protective of her now. We made it into a room that had seven glass cases. Azari leaned against one that held... Tony's Ironman mask... I turned and leaned into James as he set a, now awake, Alva down.

"What are we doing here?" She whispered. Her eyes widened when she saw the center case. She held her hand in the center of it and tilted her head down so her hair hid her face. "This... This is his trophy room... Why- why are we here?!" She turned to James, yelling at him.

"We are here to save Tony." Pym said calmly, not realising the sorrow she was feeling. Trisha and Alayna went to her and held her shoulders. Someone stepped on another hidden button and the whole room lit up to show every single hero's mask or a souvenir that Ultron got from them.

"This... This is a trap." Alva whimpered.

"How do you know?" Pym said, not believing her, he cut her off before she even spoke. "Exactly! Now let's go save Tony!" We ran off an found the room he was held in. James threw his shield and it shorted out the contraption holding Tony.

"Please... Please don't tell me your walking into his trap..." Tony whispered hoarsely.

"What makes you think it's a trap? What if we are just that good." Pym said defiantly.

"Because... I created him." Tony said, that was when the robot Avengers came and we had to escape, luckily Francis and his group of Refugees saved us.

"We need to leave." I heard Alva say to Betty Ross. I looked into their little tent to see her grabbing supplies. "We need to leave now. We have to go see Bru-"

"What are you doing?" Asked a menacing voice behind me. I turned to see...


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