Chapter 1:

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Alva's POV.

I walked around with James. He was wary of Francis, but not me since I lived with him, and the rest, in the past.

"So what's the deal with Francis?" James asked, jealousy in his tone.

"James. Francis is simply like his father; egotistic, flirty, and always snobby. He has other traits, but I do not wish to think of him now. I'd like to catch up with you James, how are you all here? How have you been?" I explained.

"Well... Ultron found the sanctuary, because I was stupid and activated the robot avengers, and he took Tony. We've been good for the past few years, it took a while to get used to you being gone but we managed I guess." He said solemnly. "How have you been?"

"I've been... Okay. I arrived the day I disappeared from the sanctuary, I became friends with Francis until a couple years ago. We dated for about two years until I was... 'fed up' with his flirting with others. We broke up one year ago and I've become... Colder to the mortals. Francis broke me, and I've become cold to others beside Mortal Betty Ross."

"Your speech has changed too." He said tensely.

"Betty Ross says it's almost like how my father spoke, but he wasn't fond of any Mortal except for my mother who was a special secret agent for SHIELD." I explained. "Does it bother you James?"

"Well... I don't know, it kinda does I guess?" He shrugged.

"Well, I'll speak as I did in the past to you, the others, Uncle Tony and Betty Ross." I promised. He nodded and stopped walking. I stopped right beside him and looked at him curiously. "James? Why did we stop?"

"We need to defeat Ultron." He stated calmly. "And get Tony back."

"James, a lot of people want to defeat him, what makes you think we can?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Your just like your father."

"Yeah well, let's defeat Ultron! He's caused enough fear through all of these people! He killed my parents, Pym's parents, Azari's parents and your moth-"

"James! Enough!" I yelled at him. I float off the ground a bit and floated away from him a bit. "You KNOW Torrun is sensitive when it comes to her father, so you should know I'm sensitive when it comes to my mother..." I whispered in a hurt and pain-filled voice.

"Alv, you know I was trying to make a point... Come here..." He said softly, I slowly float to him and hug his torso. I hear footsteps walk away, but I don't care. "C'mon Alv, let's go to the others."

"Alright Jam." I said playfully using his nickname. He chuckled and I float ahead of him and we race down the tunnels. We ran into the refugee camp to see Torrun looking down at her feet sadly, Azari looking angrily away from us, Pym confused, Betty Ross with a smiling face, as though she heard a funny joke, and Francis had his arms crossed and glared at James.

"Hiya lovebirds." Francis growled out.

"Excuse me?" I asked defensively, he turned his glare upon me and I took a step forward and poked his chest with every word that left my mouth next. "I don't know who you think you are Francis, but I don't think ANYONE gave you permission into MY life. Or my love life."

"And what are you talking about? We aren't in love." James said from behind me with his arms crossed.

"I saw you two in the tunnels!" Francis yelled angrily.

"Oh really? And you care about me why? We aren't dating, Francis. We will never be dating ever again. James was hugging me as an apology for bringing up the fact my Mother is DEAD! He and I both consider eachother as family- which makes me wish I left here when I first learned to control my powers!" I growled out.

"Why didn't you Alva?!" Torrun yelled into my face. She pushed me away from Francis and got up in my face. "Why did you not come back?! Why did you not come home to me?! Did you hate your own cousin that much?!" She yelled louder.

"Torrun. I didn't-"

"Save it Alva. Whatever you say next is probably a lie." Azari stated angrily, he glared at me and grabbed Pym's wrist and stormed out. "Let's get out of here."

"Alva. You are no longer my family." Torrun left with them and Francis followed her. Betty simply stood in shock and James put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Why didn't you come back? I don't know your reasoning, and neither do they." He asked softly.

"Francis... After I... Learned to control my powers was when Francis and I started to go out... I felt loved, I felt like I could be happy here and that I'd be of some use here instead of doing nothing at the sanctuary..." I whispered, crying a bit at my foolishness. "My father would be disappointed in me..."

"Well your father was kinda evil, so yeah... He might not've aproved of your feelings for 'mortals', but I bet he'd still love you." James encouraged.

"I can't. I can't keep the promise." I stated calmly, wiping my tears away.

"What promise?" James asked.

"The promise to talk normally again. I can only do so with you, Betty Ross, Tony and possibly Pym..." I whimpered. James hugged me to give me comfort and I felt another set arms hug me too.

"Don't worry Alva... They can't be mad forever..." Betty stated softly.

"But what if they will be? What if they'll be mad at me until I die? What if I die when we battle Ultron? Then what?" I asked, scared of what will happen to my friends and family, but not scared of death itself.

"Alva. Your not going to die. Your all going to protect eachother, whether your mad at one another or not." Betty said confidently. The next few hours passed in a blurr...

Now edited due to new information!

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