Chapter 3

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~Alex's POV~

My first day was...okay, I guess... Bernie didn't seem as happy as I was to see her but that just my Bernie I guess... She's changed quite a lot since she came back from the army, but she is still as rubbish in office as before, that's why we made a good team. She would of helped me with anything and same for me.

That person that left the army, it was her... I've missed her a great deal...

 While I was thinking about, well her, I was getting wet under the rain on my way to work, I like hearing the rain. "Here"I turned round to find Bernie holding an umbrella over our heads, "Oh thank you" I smiled. "Had a good sleep?" she asked with a little smile, "Yes, thank you", before I could ask about herself she intervened "Good because today is going to be a little more busy, and I'm sorry for yesterday it's just...", "Don't worry about it" I told her with a smile and I placed one of my hands on her shoulder. 

Arrived at the ward I told Bernie I'd be back in a minute, I needed to go get changed. when I came back out the ward was busing a lot more than yesterday! I went to see Fletch to ask where the boss (Bernie) was, he informed me Bernie was in theatre and that if I could go and help her. Seen as it was second day I didn't really know my way around yet so another nurse, Lou, showed me the way to theatre. As soon as I stepped I heard Bernie yell a little "Thank goodness your here, we've got a massive bleed and I can't get control.". I scrubbed in as fast as I could and helped her with the bleed.

Scrubbing out of theatre Bernie smile and thanked me, "Pleasure" I smiled back, "Right come on plenty more patients to see". I followed her until the ward and Fletch was sweating the poor lad. Bernie told him to have his break seen as we were back, Morven and Mr Valentine came over and asked if they could go on their break as well, so that meant a couple of nurses and us were left on the ward full of patients. Bernie turned round and took a tone of files and handed me some, "Together or ..?" she asked, "Lead the way major" I winked. 

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