Natsu x Reader: Seeing An Old Friend

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Natsu x Reader

Today was the day. You finally traveled the painstakingly long distance to Fiore just to see your old friend, Lucy Heartfilia. You hadn’t seen her in so long and just couldn’t wait to actually see the Fairy Tail guild you had heard so much about. Just thinking about the excitement of seeing her and her new friends made you ad a skip in your step as you bounced along the cobblestone road with your bags bustling behind you. 

Rounding the corner of the road, you glanced at the map in your hand. Fairy Tail should be right about-

“Natsu, I will ask you one last time to surrender!” Yelled a strong female voice from within a crowd of people in front of the guild building. Your eyebrows furrowed as curiosity nabbed at you, wondering what all the commotion was. Whatever the deal, you seemed to be in the right place.

“Hah! It’s pointless, Erza. You just want me to give up so you won’t get your butt whooped in front of so many people!” Laughed the high voice of a guy. Suddenly something exploded off the building, causing the crowd to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ while gray smoke billowed higher. 

What are they so fascinated about?! Shouldn’t they be running and screaming?! You thought with wide eyes. Gripping your luggage, you ran towards the herd of people.

As your eyes scanned the scene, you found a familiar looking blue bow wrapping up a tuft of blonde hair. It swayed and flickered as the girl yelled, “Natsu! Call off the fight! You’re going to end up destroying another town!!”

Practically dropping your bags and forgetting about all the ruckus, you ran over to your friend, screaming, “LUCY! LUCY! LUCY!”

The girl turned to you and the largest grin you had ever seen appeared on her face. “_______!” She squealed back as you flung yourself into her arms. You could feel the plastic bracelets she wore jab into your back as she squeezed her friend tight. “You finally made it!”

“Yeah... But is it a bad time?” You asked, backing away and pointing to the crowd of people around you. As if it was an answer, a ball of fire flew into the air along with several smaller ones around it. They spiraled down at tremendous speed causing the ground to shake and rumble with every hit. Smoke and dust began to cloud the air as the ground slipped from under you, splitting in half. 

“WAHH!” You shrieked, shooting your hand up to try and grasp Lucy. With every split second that you fell down, the crack grew wider and wider in the cobblestone street. 

With all the commotion and panic, it was hard to hear but you could’ve swore you heard Lucy yell, “Natsu! Help her!”

Natsu.... Wasn’t he one of Lucy’s friends she had told you so much about? It sounded so familiar... But before you could clarify a large piece of cobblestone chipped off the edge of the split and began to plummet it’s way towards you.

A flash of blue and pink came into view right as you squeezed your eyes shut. And that was the last you could remember. Now you lay on something soft and smelling like vanilla and flowers with your head pounding like a hammer.

“Urgh.” You growled, sitting up slowing and tapping your throbbing forehead with a finger. You noticed it was wrapped in damp bandages as you felt around delicately. Carefully opening your eyes, you realized you were in Lucy’s room, in fact you were laying under the sheets of her bed. No wonder it had smelled so good, considering all the perfume that girl owned. 

“Hey, you’re awake,” Came a reassuring voice from the corner of the room. Your eyes fluttered over to see a pink haired boy sitting in a fancy chair of Lucy’s with his arms crossed and one leg over the other. He grinned right at you as he made his way to the bed. Taking care not to cause too much of a bounce, he sat at the end and eyed your forehead. “I bet you’re probably wondering how you got that boo boo huh?”

“Well it’s a little more than a boo boo,” You giggled, wincing a little as the chuckles escaped your mouth. The boy forced a smile, trying to mask a pained expression. You couldn’t quite tell how he felt, though. You weren’t sure if it was pity or sympathy or... Maybe guilt. “Erm, sorry but I don’t think I know you... Are you a friend of Lucy’s?”

“Huh?” He asked as he snapped back to reality. He must’ve been thinking about something pretty deeply to have zoned out that fast. “Oh, right. Yeah! I’m Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail! Lucy had to have said something about me to you.” 

“So you’re the Natsu Lucy’s always going on about!” I replied, smiling a bit as I looked him over. He was pretty cute, you thought, I was surprised Lucy didn’t say anything to me. 

“Heh, yeah.... Hey, for the record,” Natsu stuttered as he toyed with his toes nervously. “I’m really sorry about what happened. It was my fault you got that bump on your head and... it’s even worse that it happened to Lucy’s best friend! I mean, what must you think of Fairy Tail now?!” He sighed and laid back, landing on your legs as he adjusted his arms to rest his head on.
So he must’ve been the one in the fight... Now it all made sense. “On any note that’s very sweet of you to apologize,” You replied, poking him on the nose with a grin on your face. “But I kind of expected something crazy to happen around you, at least from all the stories I’ve been told,” His eyes blinked in curiousity back at you as you went on. “But really, it’s fine. I’m sure you and Lucy will take great care of me right? And as for Fairy Tail, I could never think badly of it. If Lucy finds it as her true home, I will too.”

Natsu laughed relief once you finished and bounced up, his face inches from your own. “That’s great! And I was going to add one last thing: I think you’re pretty cute when you sleep.” He giggled, beaming like an idiot. 

A blush deepened on your cheeks and butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. “C-C-Cute?!” You inquired, trying to back away, but only finding yourself caught between a wall of pillows. “Why me?”

“Why you? I dunno, I just think you’re pretty cute lookin’,” He giggled, leaning in and pecking the bandaged wound with a kiss. “There. That should help you feel better.”

Thoroughly convinced that your cheeks were hotter than the fireballs today, you slid down the pillows behind you and pulled the fluffy sheets over your face. “This is beyond embarrassing.” You mumbled through shaking lips.

“What? Why?” Natsu questioned as he struggled to pull the sheets off of you. A tone of playfulness was in his voice, as if seeing you this way amused him. 

“Because, I’m a nervous wreck and I must look awful considering I just fell down a hole. Then I have this sweetie of a cute boy kissing me and I just can’t-” Natsu cut you off as he tugged off the sheets, with another kiss, but this time planted it on your lips. 

As he pulled away, a proud grin was left on his mouth. “A sweetie of a cute boy, huh?” 

“Y-Yeah...” You nervously replied, reaching for the sheets again. A firm hand grasped yours to keep from you hiding again as Natsu said, “Aww, you know, I’m gonna have fun taking care of you this week.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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