The Roof

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Maka P.O.V

When I turned around I noticed there where six people staring at me! When I noticed them it scared me a little and I was going to run, but they where blocking the exit. So I turned around and jumped off the edge of the roof knowing there was fire escape I could land on. When I landed I climbed into a window back into the school and ran.

Soul P.O.V

When she finished and she saw us we could tell she was freaked out. So we decided it was a good idea to block the exit. Doing that though had to effect though because she just JUMPED OFF THE DAMN ROOF! When we all saw her do that we ran to the edge of the roof the see if she was ok but she wasn't even there! Liz started screaming that we needed to find her, so we all ran into the school looking for her.

Maka P.O.V

When I ran through and out off the school I found my way home, hoping no one would be there. Looks like my luck was out. I walked in hoping that my Papa wouldn't notice me but sadly he did which meant I was about to be in a lot of pain. As soon as he saw me he came at me punching and kicking me which didn't surprise me because he always said that I was the reason this family was so messed up. My family consisted of my papa, step mom, and step brother. My dad hated me because I looked my real mom so he would always take any anger out on me by hitting and kicking me, he would also let my step brother do what ever he wanted to do to me so I was never in a good state. The only time I was safe at home is when my step mom was here because she actually liked me. Today was the worst though cause my dad started something new, he took a knife from the kitchen and started cutting my stomach then me arms and finally my legs, I was to in shock to do anything when he was done but nothing could be helped. As soon as he was done I ran to my room only to see my step brother laying on my bed looking at me. At this time I just started screaming I was sick of my life that I just wanted to die. My brother took me and started cutting me more when he was done, I ran. When I got to the street I just kept going not sure where but I could never go home again. I ran by the school only to be stopped by the pain and that's when I fell to the ground.

Soul P.O.V

All of us decided to go and look for her our side the school but as soon as we walked out of the building we saw her on the ground surrounded by blood. We all freaked out so we picked her up and took her to the nearest hospital. When we got there the doctors took her right away and then we didn't see her for almost three hours. When we finally got to see her again we looked to see her unconscious with so many cuts and bruises that you couldn't even count them. When you looked at her you wanted to cry.




When we got to the hospital the next day we saw she was awake and was with a women I had never seen before. When we walked into her room the women introduced her self as Maka's step mother. We asked her how this could have happened and she said that Maka's father and step brother both hated her so they usually did this when she was at work, but she did say they had never gone this far before. As soon as I heard her say that I new we needed to get her in this band so that she could actually live, and nothing was going to stop me.

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