Chapter 6

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Lissa's POV
Later that day as I got ready for Arielle's party, I thought of nothing else but my day with Nolen. We'd spent hours by the lake simply talking, laughing and just enjoying ourselves away from all the drama that seemed to surround our lives.
I'd learnt so much about him from the stories he told me about the kingdoms he lived in and fought for and in return, I'd shown him a couple of spells.
My mother's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to see her standing by the door.
"Hello mother. Come in." I smiled.
"Hello sweetheart. I thought I could help you get ready since I'm already done with your sister's preparations." She said standing next to me.
I simply held my hair brush out with a grin and sat down in front of my vanity.
She smiled back, taking the brush from me as she spoke.
"It's been so long since we've been this close. I've missed it. I've missed you."
"Its not like we've been avoiding each other. You and father are very busy people and I understand that. Besides, I'm not worth fawning over. Arielle deserves all that." I mumbled as she gently ran the brush through my raven black hair.
"Lissa! I do not want to ever hear you say that again. You mean the world to me - you and your sister both. Don't ever feel like you're less than that. I'd be lost without my two princesses, my Poppy and my Lily." She scolded lightly.
I smiled a bit as she mentioned my childhood nickname Lily.
"What did you get Arielle?" I asked changing the subject.
"That, my Lily, is a surprise. You'd just have to wait like your sister."
"That's not fair, mother. Its not my birthday." I pouted playfully.
"Life isn't fair sweetheart … ah-ha! Done!" She beamed, placing a small tiara on my head.
My hair had been brushed until it shone and wrapped in a black velvet ribbon as it cascaded over my right shoulder in a curly mass.
"You look lovely my darling." She added as I caught sight of my reflection in the full length mirror at the other side of the room.
My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at a reflection that didn't seem to be mine. When I asked Layla to randomly pick a dress for me, I had no idea she'd pick something this … stunning.
It was a red silk gown with short sleeves that dropped loosely below my shoulders. Delicate designs and swirls were done in black velvet on the skirt. And the black heels were totally worth it.
Earlier, I decided to cast a cloaking spell over my tattoo so no one could see it, yet I still felt nervous about tonight.
Mother slipped her hand into mine, momentarily calming my fears with her warm smile.
"Ready to go?"
"Yes … I am." I smiled back.

Nolen's POV
{AN: Surprise! Its Nolen's first time leading us through the story! Its a big step for us, so I really hope you like it.}
I scanned the room for her once more, this time slowly searching every face, nook and cranny in the ball room.
"Seriously Nolen, can't you calm down? Your thoughts are only making Ivan hope you humiliate yourself to death tonight." Anna whispered cutting off my mental groan of frustration.
If vampires could blush, I would've looked like a raspberry.
"Hey, the kid's in love. Give him a break." Mason grinned, obviously enjoying my predicament.
"Cut it out you two. Leave him alone." Zach smiled a little as he held onto the hand of our mother - Emily.
"Oh look, the birthday girl has arrived. And your girlfriend is still - " Kirsten stopped and let Gage continue.
"Nowhere to be seen."
"Alright, that enough." Mother said and they fell silent.
Then Anna spoke with a gasp.
"Oh my … Nolen, you might want to see this."
I turned around and there she was.
Looking as elegant as a queen and as beautiful as a young princess stood Lissa, arm linked with that of her mother's. She'd been smiling and greeting a few guests when suddenly she turned my way and our eyes met.
From the very first day of our meeting, I knew she was special. I felt my mind, heart - every fibre of my being - drawn to her each time she was near.
It's like we were connected.
She smiled and whispered to her mother who simply nodded and went off somewhere, while Lissa walked towards me.
"You came." Was all she said with a smile.
"I promised I'd be here. And I never break my promises."
I smiled satisfied as she surned pink. As far as I'm concerned, whoever doesn't love this girl is a heartless monster.
That word came back with the force of a hammer being swung with murderous intent as it replayed itself in my head.
"Uh… Nolen, aren't you going to introduce us?" Kirsten asked with a grin.
I sighed in relief, thankful for the interruption and turned to face my family holding Lissa's hand.
"You already know my father, Serena, Ivan and Anna. That's my mother - Emily - Kirsten, Mason and Gage. This is Lissa Lancaster."
Polite 'hello's' were exchanged and Lissa thanked everyone for coming, after which they all found an excuse to leave until Lissa and I were alone.
"You look stunning. May I have this dance, my lady?" I asked with a bow.
She laughed beautifully and replied with a curtsy. "I'd be delighted, my lord."
I took her hand once more and led her to the dance floor - which was already swarming with rhythmicly moving couples.
She happily talked about the decorations and lights, her eyes lighting up with wonder. It was odd how much I liked seeing her this excited and happy about such little things.
Odd, but nice.
A sudden cloud caused her expression to  darken and we stopped dancing.
"Lissa, what's wrong?" I asked in concern.
"N-Nothing. Its not important." She said quietly.
"You're upset. Unless I'm a stone cold monster, that's important."
She sighed tiredly before speaking.
"Its almost time for the presentation of gifts. I'm not sure Arielle will like what I got her. I'm sure you've heard that the public presentation of gifts by her family is a tradition of Etrigan."
"Well, I may have not see your gift yet but I know its going to be lovely. You are a kind, sweet and caring person and I'm sure you went out of your way to get the best gift you could find. Your sister is definitely going to like it. So please … smile? You're too beautiful to be upset." I said softly, trying to cheer her up.
She brightened up instantly and flashed me a soft smile - the one I'd fallen in love with from the very first moment she smiled at me.
"Thank you, Nolen. It means a lot to hear you say that."
I grinned and we went on dancing, occasionally stopping for something to eat or drink.
Finally, it was time for friends and family to present their gifts to Arielle.
Hi guys and gals!
Rant time.
I'm going to start by apologizing for going MIA for a while. As I mentioned a couple times, I'm in my first year of college and getting a good CGPA matters a lot from the start. Its been a stressful couple of week but I finished my exams last week so I'm all yours until I resume my second semester - which is in two weeks - or until classes start seriously and I get super busy.
To all my readers - old and new - those who didn't give up even when I disappeared without a word and stuck by me, this chapter is dedicated to y'all. And also to my friend/mama Brenda whose birthday was on the 24th of April, Happy birthday in Arias. I'm sorry I wasn't there to give you hugs. I owe you a birthday ball.
Thanks for the 100 reads guys! And all the votes. I didn't think this Many people would see my book muck less read and vote. Thank you all so much. You have made this 17 year old sugar and cuddles maniac very happy.
I'll post about two more chapters this week - the next one should be ready by Wednesday. So please keep an eye out.
And for those who are still getting the hang of wattpad, you can vote for each chapter. Just click that star to make me shine😁.
Sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Sorry for the rant guys. Follow me on social media
Instagram @tilda_ptx
Twitter @matildapaige3
Thank you once more and have a super week.

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