Chapter 1

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I felt warm inside, like I was filled up all the way with some sort of heat over me, a moving, breathing body. My entire body was numb and I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. There were sounds of breathless pants right by my ear, mine echoing back as sweat dripped from his forehead and onto my own.

The walls seemed to be caving in on us, bringing us even closer together the faster he thrusted and moved above me. I knew he was more out of breath than I, simply doing more work because of his position, but my insides felt so torn, so numb from being a fifteen year old virgin no longer, that we were equals in our pain and exhaustion.

Despite the pain throbbing throughout my body, I wanted more, begging and shouting at him for more, moans releasing themselves from my throat as groans came from him as well, one of his hands moving from my waist and to my throat, gripping it.

To anyone else, it could have looked like a harmful and potentially fatal gesture, and I wasn't sure of it myself, but my mind was too foggy, so absorbed with him inside of me to notice the difference — any difference.

"Are you going to cum, sweetheart?" The deep voice murmured, my insides clenching from his simple words. "I want you to let go for me; do it."

The sensation felt indescribable. At first, it felt as if I needed to pee, and later, I exploded into bliss. Once I felt like I had blacked out, the voice woke me again.

"We're going to try something else, baby, one more thing before we're done for today." He instructed, pulling himself out of me. It hurt when he pulled out — it burned, yet at the same time, I felt so empty that I was craving more of him.

His words scared me. I didn't want to be left alone again, not again. I was going insane, crazy in the room with metal walls that never dented when I relentlessly punched and kicked at them, eventually tiring myself out.

The more time I spent with him, the less I felt so alone and abandoned. The less I wished to be elsewhere. It didn't matter my conditions and the circumstances on how I arrived in such a room, any interaction, with anyone or anything, would satisfy me.

It wasn't long before he left me again and I was left alone, just as the walls actually closed in on me. My death was soon to come, my body squeezing together as the metal walls were no longer feet away, but touching my skin and—

I woke up with a frightened start, gasping for air as I tried to clutch my throat, like the man in my dream had done, except I couldn't. I was urging for air to enter my lungs and to breath again, my heart pounding in my chest heavily as I shifted in my bed, only to realize that it wasn't my bed.

The walls around me were a pure metal, as well as the ceiling, the room I was currently in having a strikingly similar resemblance to a laboratory, except it was emptier, the only sign that it could possibly be one being the bright lights above me and the table at the end of the room, holding several tools and compartments, almost like a big, metal desk.

My breathing quickened, like how it had done directly after waking from my dream, my senses growing stronger as I grew more aware of my surroundings and the situation. There was a sanitarial smell floating in the air, floating around me.

I tried moving my arms, but they were tightly bounded to the metal table, causing me to whimper with fright.

Looking down at my body, I noticed that not only were no articles of clothing covering me, but that I was naked; bare naked.

My pupils dilated with fear as I prayed for this to not be reality, for it to be a continuation of my previous dream, and for the walls in my dream to crush me for real this time. Because whatever was going on couldn't be real; I wouldn't let it.

But, the restraints on my arms and legs, bounding me to the metal, examining table that was nowhere as comfortable as any bed I've ever been on, brought me to the reality that was mine. I had no actual choice of what was going on, of what was going to happen, and of my purpose in the laboratory-like room.

For all I knew, this was some prank pulled on me by a reality television show, cameras soon to pop out and tell me that I should've seen my face, only for them to replay it on a computer screen and for them to tell me that millions of others were going to see the exact footage as well.

But then, why would I be naked?

It'd be illegal for me to be naked on camera, even with consent, so this clearly was no prank, no joke, and there was no way out.

I felt violated, and I wanted to get out. I continued struggling against the restraints. The metal cuffs were cutting into my skin and it was burning.

I was going to try to slip my wrists out of the restraints, only for a sudden part of the front of the room to suddenly glow, my head picking up as much as it could from the metal table as I watched in confusion, my mouth slightly agape.

A blue, laser-like light outlined a rectangle in the steel walls, my throat going dry as I realized it was creating some sort of a door, the metal slowly lifting as I anticipated what was yet to occur, my breathing picking up, except much quicker than before, almost to the point where I wasn't breathing at all.

I wanted more than ever to be released from the metal cuffs, watching the way the door seemed to slowly slide upwards, leaving a small hole in the wall as it grew bigger and bigger over time.

Brown, leather boots filled a good portion of what the door revealed, the person behind the door's movements paused, them seeming to be waiting for the door to open all the way.

"Harry E. Styles entering, subject eighteen inside." I ducked my head, accidentally banging my head flat against the metal table upon noticing there to be a speaker above it, a robotic voice coming out as my mouth officially went dry.

When I moved my gaze back towards the front of the room, the door was completely opened, a tall rectangle openly made in the walls to allow an escape, one I had no access too.

But that wasn't what clouded my thoughts. What had me stunned was the person blocking the doorway, more than boots in my line of vision this time.

"Hello there, pet."

A/N: hii im writing a collab with shelby (yes the one who deactivated) like wow yay abOUT TIME??? I'm honored to be writing with her. okok ily all please vote and comment it would make our day xo

-l x

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