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Frank's POV
Gerard left me on the bed, and went across the room to grab clothes for me. I saw the paddle on the bed next to me, and instantly brought my knees to my chest felling my heart start to race as I remembered the pain Gerard had just put me through.

"Frankie? You okay? What's wro-," Gerard noticed the paddle on the bed, and instantly bit his lip," oh shit. Look Frank, I'm really sorry. I hurt you I'm so sorry, I went too far. If you want to leave I'll understand."

I sighed, and let Gerard sit next me on the bed. He put his hand on my thigh, and kissed my neck.

"It's fine Gerard. I just- it's just, I don't really feel comfortable right now." He moved his hand off of my thigh, and held his hands in his lap just staring at the floor.

"Shit! Mikey's here with Bandit, here Frank." He handed me a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Gee left the room closing the door behind him leaving me to get changed.


"Frankie!" I heard Bandit call my name, and run into the living room where I was sitting.

"Hi Bandit, how was your day with your uncle?" Bandit sat on the couch next to me, and told me about her day.

From the other room I heard Gerard and Mikey quietly arguing about something.

"Gerard this is insane! You had sex with him? Frank is a fucking teenager!" My face grew red as I heard Mikey say this.

"What makes you think we did anything? Huh, don't assume things Mikes."

"You have that look on your face Gerard! The same look you got when you were with Ber-"

"Shut the fuck up Mikey!" I sighed, and made shure that Bandit was occupied with her cartoons, so she wouldn't hear her uncle and father fighting. About me.

Mikey yelled "bye" to Bandit, and the door slammed as Gerard came back onto the kitchen looking pissed off.

"Frank could you come here for a sec?" I got up off the couch, and joined Gee on the kitchen. He pulled me close, and nibbled on my neck while his hands roamed my body.

"G-Gerard! Bandit's right over there." Gee just kept on sucking my neck ignoring the fact that his daughter could turn around any second, and see what he was doing to his student.

Gee pulled away, and smirked at me as a plan formed in his head.

"Bandit, I'm gonna be helping Frank with some homework upstairs ok. We'll be down soon." I bit my lip, and shook my head

"Okie daddy!" And with that Bandit was again distracted by the TV, and Gerard pulled me upstairs to his home office.

"G-Gerard, this is a bad idea. Bandit could cone up here at any moment!" Gerard just ignored me, and pushed me down on the couch, and straddled my waist.

"Shhh. Frankie, just let me do this." Gerard ran his hand over my zipper, and bit hard on my neck making me whine.

"Gerard! No, stop." I pushed him off of my lap, and moved away from Gerard who was trying to pin me down again.

"Gerard! Fuck off, you know what? I'm calling an Uber. I'm going home." I quickly walked out of the room feeling harrased, and violated.

I grabbed my phone, and back pack from the guest room. I opened my Uber app, and said bye to Bandit as I closed the door.


"Hey, I'm Andy. I'm your Uber driver." A guy with very defined cheek bones, awesome black fringe, and a few piercings pulled into the driveway.

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