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I wanted him to promise nothing would happen between Autumn and him but how could I. I don't want him promisesing me anything if it means he wouldn't have fun and spend time with his family when all his thinking  about is our promise. I can't do that to him and I won't even if it kills me inside to lose him and what we were starting to have. His getting ready to leave I can see him through  his bedroom windows packing his bags, I'm laying in my bed facing his direction, when he notices me he gives me a small wave and a weak smile, I give him a small smile back and turn so I'm facing my ceiling. It's gonna be weird not seeing the boys for a three weeks but that's what phones, social media are for right?.

To: Bella👽From: Daniel 🙈

D: See you in three weeks bell will miss you heaps.
B: Miss you to Danny, see you soon.

The first, person to leave was Daniel, then Johan, then Corbyn followed by Zach and lastly Jack Avery the brown curly hair boy I'm falling in love with but to afraid to emit. There's a knock on my bedroom door and in walks Jack, Angelia let him in she's the only one home for the next week as my dad is away on  a business trip in London. I have been a bit nicer to her, she's not so bad I guess.

"Hey "

"Hey " that's all we managed to say is "hey "

"I came to say goodbye and I'll see you in three weeks"

"Funny, my dad said the same thing, I'll see tomorrow and tomorrow never came because he left and now I'm stuck with him"

"Well I'm not your dad and I promise nothing is going to happen back home"

"Don't make a promise, cause it'll get broken and you shouldn't have to worry about it " I stand up in front of him.

"I want to " he walks closer taking my hands in his.


"I promise to come home and pick off we're we were" I want to ask were are we exactly, right now we're friends, so he wants to pick up as friends. Something is going to happen with Autumn and I might not like it.  Instead I just reply like this.

"Okay " he leans in to kiss me but I pull away before his lips can touch mine. I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I couldn't let myself do it. Not when there's a storm coming that's going to destroy my heart and put me back in my shell. He just hugs me tightly before letting himself out and getting into his uber.

"See you three weeks " I whisper to myself.

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter, this is one of my favourite chapters for some reason I can't really explain why it just is one of them. I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Bye for now

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