Darkness Around Two Am

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The darkness is a lonely place, were you can't be seen but can be heard  if you wished to be. I'm currently laying in the darkness. Not wanting to be seen or heard just wanting to be lifted alone to disappear.  But Before. I Do. I Scream.  And if you think I'm over dramatic.

Try being a second choice and not being the first, trying having your mum die and see her slowly dying in an upside down vehicle, bleeding to death and having a doctor tell you she's dead, try finding out your fathers cheating, try  Finding  out the guy you liked slept with Someone else.

I know there are people who are going through worse things in life then I am. People losing family members and people who self harm and are on the verge of not being here, I know that. But everhting that's happening feels as if my worlds crushing down, just like those People would feel with whatever there going through. No matter how hard or easy some situations are people take it differently. Don't tell me to get over it because you don't know how it feels to be told that,

"Get over it" or "move on, stop caring about it "

It makes you feel worthless and like your feelings don't matter or that your not aloud to feel anything but happy, cause people are to scared to talk about feelings. But those people need a reailty check and a big wake up call , if they think they can go through life, not talking about feelings. If you have been able  to so far I congratulate you but you won't be able to forever. When you get there call me and tell me how difficult it was having that wake up call. Wait intill the day someone tells you to "get over it, move on" no matter how little or small the problem is it will hurt and you will probably wish you never said it to someone if you have.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know it's a bit different from all the other chapters and I'm not sure what made me write it but I like how it turned out. As I've had people tell me to get over it before and it didn't feel great. You also get to see a deeper side to Bella not just the shy side, you see her darker thoughts and  when she gets the feeling of being alone at times. You see more character development in this chapter, will I belive she's grown from the start of the book to now, you may believe differently and that's okay. But hope you enjoyed, keep voting and commenting they all mean a lot. Love you all bye

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