Mending Broken Bridges

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It's been a couple of days since the boys lefted, I haven't done anything, I'm waiting for them to knock on my front door or Jack call my name from the balcony. But I know it's not going to happen there spread out. But I'm happy for Corbyn cause he gets to see Christina all he ever does is talk about her and I find it adorable. There's a sparkle in his eyes every time he says her name, I want a guy to go the way Corbyn does when talking about me. It's a way every girl does.

Jack's POV

Since being back home  I haven't been able to forget about Bella, Autumn and I have hang out, she almost kissed me too. A sense of quilt washed over me as it happend even if we didn't kiss I thought about Bella. If I should tell her or shouldn't?. I haven't come to a conclusion yet I'll let you know when I do. I didn't feel the spark when our faces were close together I get with Bella, I don't need to press my lips to hers to get a spark, I can just be around her and I become nervous. Autumn doesn't have that same effect on me. But there's still two weeks and things can change.

Bella's POV

"Bella sweetie" Angelia walks into my room carrying something.

"Yeah " I ignore the the use of sweetie in that sentence.

"I found this when I was going through the boxes in one of the spare rooms, I thought you might like to have this instead of throughing it away. She sits on  my bed with a guitar case. Opening it showing me the the most beautiful guitar and I knew it was my mums because it had painted flowers on it. But I never saw the strap it was covered in pictures. She had it specially made. Tears start welling up in my eyes.

"I didn't know we had this " I look down at it.

"Your father picked it up cause you were about to leave it behind, and he knew you would want it someday"

"Thank you and I'm sorry for being so mean, I hated him for what he did to my mother and I hated you for doing that to me and my family" I start crying

"I never wanted things to go like that, I'm sorry, I deserved all the shit you gave me. Your father talked about her everyday and he still does about how much he loves you mother Bella" she puts a piece of hair behind my ears.

"You don't mind that "

"I use to but as I heard stories and there past, I didn't care so much, cause I knew he was with me and I loved hearing about them. They had a fairy tale life together Bella and your the most precious thing in you dad's life. Your precious to me to and the baby on the way. I just want us to be a family not fighting so much" she hugs me, this is the first moment we have not been down eachother's throats and I like it better this way.

"I want us to be a family to" I hug her back.

"You want to know the gender of the baby"


"Your going to be a big sister to a baby boy"  she says with joy and a smile on her face.

"Omg " is all I could manage to say. We talked a little while longer before she left, I took the guitar out of the case and just placed  it in my arms and looked at  the pictures on her guitar strap, there were of her when she was young, with me as a baby, me when I'm older . I wanna play, be heard and the reason I keep saying over and over I can't, I'm not only scared of letting her down, I'm scared of hearing, your not good enough. You don't understand how much it hurts to be told that time and time again. I heard it everyday walking through the school halls, trying to sing or audition for a play. I was told I wasn't good enough. Now I don't  do anything so I can't be told I'm not good enough anymore.

I told you how I write songs, I almost sang one when Jack was over I sang one line and I completely fall apart. I know I haven't told you any of this, I apologise for that.

"Jack I don't think I can do this"

"You can, I believe in you"  he puts his hand around my waist resuring  me. I took a deep breath and I played a chord on the guitar and started to sing.

"Mamma said there'll be boys like you

Tearing my heart in two

Doing what you do best" that's all managed to get out before crying into his chest, he didn't say anything just hugged me tightly kissed my forehead and said "everhtings okay "  but it wasn't.

That was three weeks ago and I haven't touched, hummed or sang anything that set me back even  more then pushing my confidence level up. I want that day when I'm ready to sing to come but I wonder if it ever will. Or will I be this person forever?, I'm scared for when that day comes. I become vulnerable when I sing I don't have my guard up, people see me.

They see the other side of me.

A sweet moment between Angelia and Bella, it was a long time coming and needed to happen. I'm glad it did and hope you like the moment between them even though you haven't seen much of Angelia but hopefully you will see more of her. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and keep voting they mean a lot. Love you all and hope you have a good day.

Bye for now

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