15: Final battle

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I didn't know it would come to this Slender announced the final battle will be Soko and hoodie VS Hatoku and Jeff . Yumiku was shocked she didn't know it would come to this she wished both of us luck and went to the crowd to cheer both of us on. Soko and Hoodie walked in the arena and so did me and Jeff me and Soko stared at each other. Slender said," let the battle begin"! Hoodie and Jeff battled in the air me and Soko started to run at each other. His knifes coming out his hands and my hands turning to stone. He cut me witch hurt then I knew he was serious about this battle so I rose up and punched him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. Hoodie and Jeff were punching and stabbing at each other then they both hit each other as hard as they can and they flew back to different sides to the arena hitting there heads on the arena wall witch knocked both of them out and it was just me and Soko. We ran at each other as fast as we can and jumped and I punched and he stabbed at me as hard as he could and his knife and my stone hand collided then a sonic wave exploded and his knife snapped in half and my stone hand cracked in the middle of it and we both flew back and landed on the floor hurt. Our hands turned back to normal and we barley stood up we ran slowly at each other and punched as we hit each other we fell to the ground and we both fell unconscious. Slender called out it is a tie.
~Day later~
We both woke up in the hospital bed I saw Soko write next to me and I whispered Soko and he looked at me and said,what" I asked if he was ok and he said,"yes" and he asked me the same thing and I said,"yes". My hand hurt but it was healed and so was Soko's we went out different ways when I left I bumped into this girl I jumped out and went into defense mode and my hands turned to stone and her hands turned to steal I said," sorry I didn't mean to startle you " she said," don't worry about it " she said,"my name is Simiku " and I said," my name is Hatoku " we talked for a while and I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk and she said,"yes"! I told her to meet me at my cabin I will be outside waiting for her outside of it.
~Day later~
I saw her I was nervous as soon as I saw her I kinda liked her I said,"hi"and she did too. She said,"she wanted me to meet her sister" and I said," ok" then she said," Hatoku this is my sister yumiku " I was shocked yumiku and me stared at each other in shock and Simiku asked do you know each other and we doth said," yes".

I hope you guys like the story so far we have been working hard on it and I wanted to leave suspense in the story hope you like it bye.

Connor: OOOOOOH SHIT JADEN/HATOKU PROBABLY GONNA GET LAID i mean im comment #HIMIKU if u think they should be a relation ship and comment #HELLNAW if they shouldn't

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