12: Second battle of the tournament

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The next battle in the tournament is about to start. Slender announced the next fight it was Soko and hoodie against Tim and Ben. Me and Yumiko both said to ѕσkσ good luck he walked in the stadium hoodie was walking normally but Soko was walking next to hoodie like it was a catwalk then was Tim and Ben they walked up to each other and said nothing. Slender yelled out let the battle begins FIGHT! ѕσkσ and Tim stay on the ground fighting throwing punches at each other and hoodie and Ben fought in the air throwing hard punches at each other. Soko ran back I said to myself," what was Soko doing" then he turned around and started running knifes where starting to come out his hands and he grabbed then a stabbed it at Tim but Tim dogged it and grabbed soko's arm and threw him to the ground. Tim then pulled a knife out and swung at Soko but barely missed then Soko dived at Tim and punched him twice and cut him with his knife witch nocked Tim on the ground them Tim tried to get back up but Soko punched him in the face witch kєpt him down. Hoodie and Ben wєrє still fighting but then hoodie strikes Ben as hard as he could and knocked him in the air and he fell next to Tim. I knew the battle was over and Soko and hoodie won their battle.

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