Mini Series 1: Kaneki and...

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(Ok, I'm going to be doing a random mini series now where certain characters meet each other. This is the second one technically. The first one was with Ayato K and Ayato S from Diabolik Lovers. Read on to see the new character I included!)


Rika(Me): "I'm sorry but can you please come with me?"

"Kaneki: "I don't know... You've been doing some stuff lately..."

Rika: "It won't be any ships or anything like that. After all, that did affect me too... I just want you to meet someone."

Kaneki: "Alright, fine..."

I walk to the door with Kaneki and I open it, only to see the person I least expected to be here.

Rika: "Shinichi...? What are you doing here? I said that we'd meet you."

Shinichi: "I figured I'd save you the trouble of having to come all the way out there... Oh yeah, um, can I come in?"

Rika: "Sorry about that. Yeah, make yourself at home."

Kaneki: "So, if you don't mind me asking, just who are you? And why did you come over?"

Shinichi: "Your friend just said something about having us meet. It doesn't sound that bad to you, does it?"

Kaneki: "N-no..."

My phone unexpectedly rings, playing a song called Let Me Hear
by Fear featuring Loathing in Las Vegas.

Rika: "Sorry guys. I'll be back in a bit."

I go into a nearby room, close door, and accept the call.

Rika: "Hello? Who is this?"

?: "Why the h*ll did you introduce the two of us?!"

Rika: "Huh...? Ok, tell me who you are!"

?: "It's Ayato!"

Rika: "Which one, idiot?! Do you know how many Ayatos there are?!"

Ayato: "It's Kirishima! Now, why did you bring that Sakamaki freak with you last time?!"

Rika: "I said that I thought you two should meet."

Ayato: "No, we shouldn't have met!"

Rika: "Why? Oh...did he do something to you?"

Ayato: "You're d*mn right! He's been following me for weeks and sneaking into my house! The red haired b*stard..."

Rika: "So, I'm guessing he got over Yui?"

Ayato: "The h*ll's a Yui?!"

Rika: "Yui's a girl!"

Ayato: "'re saying that he used to be with her and now he... D*mmit!"

Rika: "What is it?"

Ayato: "The f*ckboy's at my window, that's what."

Rika: "Uh, ok, Ayato... I don't think I can help with this one."

Ayato: "You better not hang up!"

"Rika: "Sorry Yato, I gotta go."

Ayato: "You little-"

And with that, I hang up the phone and reenter the room. Kaneki's kakugan is showing and his kagune are out. Shinichi on the other hand has Migi...and he's awake.


(Dun dun dun! I'm leaving this mini series here for now!)

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