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I have no choice guys TT^TT

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I have no choice guys TT^TT...tagged by CrazyDianne

1. Fav song?
Hizamazuke, Butadomo Ga (video below)

2. Fav sport?
Badminton, hockey, javelin, soccer, gymnastics (but not too much)

3. Fav band?
No Name...that is a band...Levi Ackerman's band

4. Fav show?
...Attack in Titan

5. Fav movie?
Boy (Maori movie)

6. Fav color?

7. Fav food?
My mom's specialty

8. Fav drink?

9. Fav video game?
Undertale, legend of Zelda, Yandere Simulator

10. Tag 15 people
xx_Stephiexx (sorry friend but no one really tags you)

Thatweirdinsanegirl (been too long since we became friends)

CrazyDianne (this is for tagging me)

RoseGoldEv12 (for being a really great friend)

Bluethumb68 (for becoming the savage Queen of Savageness)

GreatestTheAuthor (for being the greatest author and friend)

Wolfie_Draws (for being a very great friend and)

FallenKindness (I haven't talked to you lately, I'm really sorry for that. You are also a
really great friend of mine)

undertalecharatrash (Aphmau fam who I care deeply for...jk, I care about you all)

Fireflame129 (haven't really talked to you much as well)

MidnightRose_14 (I miss you friend)

BlueDimond5 (a really creative person who is also my friend ^^)

ReddyUpFellus (long time no see my friend)

GayWeabooTrash (a friend who destroyed parts of the world with me)

Vitya_Vitya (a friend whom I haven't talked to in ages either)

Anyways, hope you forgive me for not being there at times...I'm sorry. By the way, school is starting tomorrow and I'll be dead before you know it..hopefully. Thank you GayWeabooTrash for helping me destroy and thank you everyone for being with till this very day. I hope you have a lovely day everyone.

As promised, here's the video.

Ya, that's Levi Ackerman singing....don't judge meh

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