Tag! You're it!

184 16 4

Dat up der is mah Dad taking a picture...bleh :p
Here, have a sword 0==[]::::::::::::::::>

Hola beautiful and handsome people! So....I got tagged....by two people....hOi_ImUndertaleTrash and WhiteWolf49 . Let's get started!

Favourite ship?
Umm...SciFell...don't even ask why -_-

Favourite colour?
Any shade of blue, any shade of green, and any shade of bluegreen.

Favourite game?
Undertale, duh XD

Favourite movie?

Favourite anime?
I can't choose between Inuyasha and Fairy Tail. ;-;

Favourite song?
Too many to choose from. But my main one is How far I'll go from Moana.

Favourite cartoon?
Steven universe and Gravity falls.

Favourite fandom?
Undertale...you can tell.

I tag....
Anyone who hasn't been tag today 🤣.

Geez guys, I'm currently at my dad's place. And I'm using his phone to actually write this :P, and that's because my iPad won't let me connect to the internet...so I renamed my iPad to "I'm iPad and I'm a huge dork towards CD". Anyways, I'm gonna share some art after I post this tag page of mine! See ya in a minute recruits!

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