Moving is never easy, especially for Violet Archer. Having to leave behind her 2 best friends who have stuck by her throughout the years, were used to her sarcastic remarks and learned to love her extreem self confidence made it hard for her to go. She was never one to let people's comments get to her. She'd stand up for what she thought was right, not caring whether people would judge her or call her names. They had to move for her dads job as they needed that better pay. Crestmont was the best option for them, even if it meant separating from her friends. She'd make new ones at Liberty high school. Once meeting Bryce Walker she immediately takes a strong disliking towards him but his best friend Justin foley takes a strong liking towards her.
Camila Mendes as Violet Archer
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Brandon Flynn as Justin Foley
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Rest of the Thirteen Reasons Why cast as their characters