Pushing through the huge blue doors, Violet stumbled into the narrow corridor filled with students. Unsure of where to go she slowly made her way down the hallway whilst sipping on her Luke warm hot chocolate which she had recently brought from Monet's. Getting out her phone, she was too focused on Instagram to notice a bleach blonde haired guy walking straight towards her which eventually ended in them colliding. Violet sighed, staring at the chocolatey puddle that now covered the floor.
"Shit! I'm so sorry" spoke the boy. He was wearing a blue checkered shirt along black jeans and had a gold septum piercing. His left hand holding onto his books whilst his right was clung to the strap of his backpack.
"It's fine" Violet spoke, a grin appearing on her face. "I wasn't looking either. Plus my drink was getting cold anyway"
"Ah Monet's. Good choice. I'm alex" He smiled, looking down at the spilt drink. "Me and my friends always go there after school. It's basically our escape from this hellhole that we call school. Their hot chocolates are the best. You'd know that if you actually had a chance to drink it"
Violet laughed, glad that she'd possibly made a friend within five minutes of being at the high school. "I'm Violet" she replied
Picking up the plastic cup from the floor she quickly made her way to the nearest bin, chucking it away. Walking back over to Alex she saw two other girls walking over to him. Violet started to walk away when Alex called out her name.
"Come over here" He yelled, waving his hands about frantically. Violet smiled and trailed back to the place she had originally been.
"Guys this is Violet, Violet this is Jessica and Hannah". They were both gorgeous. Long brown curly hair, big smiles and were extremely cheerful. "I'm guessing your new here" spoke Hannah looking down at the short girl who was fiddling with her bag.
"Is it that obvious" Violet giggled "Can one of you please tell me where the main office is. I need to get my schedule"
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"Yeah sure. I'm walking that direction anyway" Hannah spoke grabbing violets hand, pulling her down the to the office. When they were outside, Hannah speedily rushed her goodbye, not wanting to be late to lesson on her first day.
Once inside she sat in the chair, waiting for the Lady at the desk to finish her phone call. Looking around she noticed she was sat outside an office, possibly the principals. Through the small gaps of the shutters she could distinctly see three guys, all wearing letterman jackets, sitting in chairs whilst being lectured at by who she presumed was the principal.
The one closest to her caught her attention. Light brown hair pushed up in a quiff along with mesmerising blue eyes. His jawline was sharp and he was clearly pissed off at whatever the principal had to say to them. Zoning out he turned his head to glance out the window but instead found a pair of dark brown eyes admiring him. Smirking, he sent a wink her way turning back to listen. Violet immediately turned around just to be called up to the desk.