We're in this together

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We stayed silent and I sat back on my chair. I didn't want to check on Skyler yet because I wanted to let her think by herself and make up her mind again. She needed some space for sure.

As I was about to take the pot of Nutella on the table, I noticed Orlando with some chocolate on his face. I giggled and he kept on staring at me, not really knowing what I was laughing at.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that you have chocolate on your face, you eat like a baby."


"Here let me get it."

I slowly got up from my seat and tenderly pecked his lower lip, tasting the sweet chocolate at the same time, touching his sweet lip.

"Is it gone now?" He asked while smiling at me

"Yes." I pecked his lips once more, now for a longer time. "Stop teasing me!" He said while he made me sit on his lap and our heads were a little bit touching

I let out a sigh which made him think something was wrong with me. He took ahold of my hands and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Babe is everything okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No I'm just sad thinking you would leave in two hours."

"Don't be sad baby, I would look forward for seeing you again."

"Me too!"

He took a wick of my hair and put it behind my hair, then putting a light kiss on my neck which tickled me and I chuckled.

"I love neck kisses, you know?"

"Of course I do, you do love me so much, don't you?"

"Ooh of course I do."

"You know what, let me check on Skyler for a minute."

He slightly nodded his head and I made my way upstairs. When I was already close to her bedroom door, I heard her sniffles which broke my heart even more. She didn't deserve all of this. She truly didn't!

I opened the door slowly not making too much sound and I approached Skyler who had her head buried in the middle of her legs.

I sat next to her on the bed but she didn't face me, obviously she wouldn't do that because of how broken and sad she was but she has to understand that he's not leaving forever.

I tenderly wrapped my arms around her and she cried even more.

"Baby, please talk to me and tell me what's wrong."

"Mommy, why is daddy leaving? Why isn't he staying instead?"

"He's not leaving us forever, he just has to work and he's going to Spain for two months."

"Oh so after he's coming back?" She asked while she widened her big blue eyes

"Yes, of course! He promised us, he would never leave."

"Ooh okay, so I think I have to apologize then."

"Yeah, you should."

She took my hand and I leaded her downstairs where we found Orlando looking out the window and smiling which I found confusing. I wondered what he was thinking about.



"Why are you smiling?" I asked

"Oh just because I was thinking of the day we will welcome our baby."

"Ooh, that's cute though."

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