Ally chapter 1 - fly away from home

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A beautiful day in Miami. Happy families all around the local shops, young couples dancing away in the sun. The birds sing the soundtrack to everyone's day. All but mine. 

"Hey Ally!"

It seems everyone is out enjoying their beach day, while I'm stuck watching the store again.

"Guess who got a job at the pillow sack." Trish says walking into Sonic Boom wearing pajamas, "it's the uniform we have to wear." she answers before I could ask.

"I see." I continue to write in my book. "Thank goodness you're here though. I think my eye balls were going to fall out from having to read Moby Dick for the fifth time. "

"Ooh, is some one writing in their book about their study date with Dallas?" Trish sings piratically leaning over me trying to see what I wrote

Guess I'm not too good at hiding it.

"Um," I say moving away, "Yes. It was so amazing. When I handed him the pencil sharpener, our hands touched." I nearly shrieked.

"Did you kiss?!"

"No we did not kiss, again." I mumble.

Her faced went from cheery to shocked, "What? But this is like the seventh time you've been out. When is he going to really ask you out, so you can kiss?" she snapped at me.

A little aggressive today.

"I'm sorry," she states. " but I have no relationship. Your sad little relationship is the closest thing I have. That and the cable is out at my place."

"Wow so glad my relationship brings you so much entertainment." I laugh.

But there is something else.

"Its just..."

I know she's going to kill me.

"He tired to kiss me. But I didn't let him."

I flinched away before I could feel a smack. But as I slowly looked back at her, she hadn't moved an inch. But I could see her face was getting more red by the second.

I waited, nothing happened.

"Are you crazy!!!!" She clutched onto my shirt, and pulled me to her face, "Are you mad? Why didn't you let him kiss you?! Isn't that what you want?!"

I grab her hands in mine, prying them off my blouse, "It's not that I don't want him to kiss me." I say walking back to the piano. I sit at the bench and look over to her nervous.

"I've never been kissed, and I can't help but get nervous each time he tries."

"What?!" She laughs, "You've never been kissed? I always assumed you would have had some silly little pre-school kiss that literally means nothing. But you haven't even had that huh?"

I shake my head.

"Even I have had my first kiss. Ah Tommy Olsen." She sighs a smile, "First grade. We both were working in the schools library. Kissed behind the comedy bookshelf, then I got fired the next day."

"Ah yes that Tommy Olsen. He's in juvie now." Poor kid, "But anyways, back to me. What am I suppose to do. Dallas actually likes me, but I'm completely ruining it for myself."

"I don't know. Oh shoot! We're suppose to meet Austin and Dez." she says.

"We are?"

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Hey why don't we ask them about you unkind lips?" she smiles devilishly.

Austin and Ally FF (Rock the Pain Out) editing *Where stories live. Discover now