Ally chapter 18-Denying the truth

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"Oh my god your nose is bleeding." I said. He grabbed onto my shoulder. His face was really pale, and he looked really sick.

Suddenly his body tumbled down and he brought us both down on the sand. "Austin! Austin? Help some body help!" I shouted. I held him in my arms trying to wake him. "Austin please, wake up." I cried so much holding that he would at least open his eyes.

Blood was gushing from his nose, I put a towel over his nose. I cried and went crazy calling for help. I didn't know what to do. Both of our cell phones were back in the car, and I couldn't just leave him there.

"Ally! What happened?!" Dez came running toward us. He took one look at Austin, "I'll call an ambulance!"

People started crowding around, every one was freaking out. I didn't know what was happening, he just fainted. I couldn't help crying.

The ambulance rushed in to take Austin. The drivers asked me to go with them to explain every thing that happened. While ridding with him, I refused to let go of his hand. His face looked week, and he looked dead. What happened to him? Why did this happen to him?

When we got there they rushed him right into the emergency room. I wanted to go with him, but they pulled into a separate room. People started asking me billions of questions. I couldn't take all the emotion. I just wanted to go see Austin.

About an hour later I was still in the waiting room. "Ally!" I turned my head and saw Austin's cousin Josh. Along with Austin's parents, they all ran to me. "Hey, what happened. We got a call about Austin."

"Sweetie what happened?" Asked Ms. Moon.

"I don't know. We were just hanging out by the beach. Then his nose started bleeding and he passed out. Then people started freaking out, so many questions." I felt so over whelmed.

"Have they given you any information on Austin?" asked his father.

"No, we got here nealry an hour ago. They haven't told me any thing and they won't let me see him." I explained to them as best as I could.

Dez and Trish soon came, we all sat down together. I stayed in my seat for about an hour more crying, "Ally, don't worry. Austin's going to be ok." Trish tried to reassure me.

"It was so scary. His nose started to gush out blood, and he clasped right on me. I thought he was dead, what if... What if, what if he!" I started freaking out.

"No, he's going to be ok!" Trish said. "It's going to be ok."

We waited for a while more, but still nothing, "Kids why don't you head on home." said Mr. Moon when he came over to us.

"We wanna see Austin." Dez said.

The man sighed, "Kids go home, get dressed, and hopefully when you come they'll lets us see Austin." he said returning back to his family.

"Ok, come on guys," Trish said, "Ally, come on."

I looked back at the doors where they took Austin into, I stood there for a minute thinking he would come right out. "I'm coming."

I went home and took a shower. I changed from a bathing suit into some jeans, a top and a jacket. I waited for Dez to pick up me and Trish. I wanted to get back the hosptial soon as possible. I keep having flashes backs of the crazy event. All I hear are burts of sirens, I see blood taking over Austin's face. I hated the images. When I was holding Austin, I wanted him to open his eyes. Or some thing! I felt helpless, I had no idea what to do!

I've never been so scared before.

Dez finally came and we all got into the car. It was a short ride to the hospital. But when we got there, the loby was filled with fans, and a few reporters. It was hard trying to get in, "Excuse me were here to see Austin Moon." I said to the lady at the front desk.

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