Ally chapter 7 -headaches

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The air was salty, and the waves were smooth. They didn't crash against each other. Finally, it felt like I could get some peace.

"You need more sunscreen."

"Thank you for reminding me, again mother."

It was supposed to be a relaxing beach day, my mother suggested it would relax her and the baby. She stated that some sunshine (under the shade) would make my bones feel better. Sure.

"Allison you know you burn easily."

"We're sitting under the umbrella, I have two layers of sunscreen already, I'm wearing this huge hat you insisted on. You won't even let me touch the water, I think I'm fine." I sat up in my chair taking off my sunglasses annoyed.

I'm grateful for everything in my life, I appreciate everything my mom has given me. I mean here we are sitting on the beach with a freaking butler preparing us lunch under the tent. Oh and don't forget the virgin strawberry martinis.

But why does my mother make me feel like it's my job to pay her back. Nothing is good enough for all that she's done for me.

"Please could I just sit by the water, I promise that I won't get my boot wet," I begged her.

She took a deep breath and turned her look to me, "Put one more layer on, and you can go for ten minutes."

"I'll take it."

I slapped it all over my body and hobbled away from her as fast as possible paying no mind to her comment about the salmon being ready in seven minutes.

100 feet apart from my mother was more than enough space to breathe.


I made my way about ten feet away from the water, carefully I sat down. Mom will probably lecture me for getting my perfectly ironed white floral dress dirty, but at least that's about six minutes away.

The beach was a five-minute drive away, yet mom insisted on packing like we were going away for the night. I don't like fighting with her, especially now that she's having a baby. But I hate her always trying to control me.
"Deep in thoughts."

I gasped, whipping myself around to see who's voice that was.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

It's a boy. Well a grown one, a guy.

"No, no it's all good." My hands suddenly started to sweat. "I just scare easily."

He laughs awkwardly rubbing his hands. Just when I think maybe I weirded him out, he walks closer and sits down next to me.

I was not expecting this.

His face is light, but his green eyes are deep.

"I'm Kendall by the way. I was walking by, and I noticed you sitting by yourself, you seemed upset."

He put out his hand to me, and I shook it gently. He has very nice hands. Now I was gracious for this hat because it hid him from seeing my red ears.

"I'm Ally." I smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you, Ally."

You too, I said to myself, "I mean you too." Why would I just think that, but not say it?

His face scrunched in confusion, but it made him laugh at the same time. "So do you go to school around here?"

I shook my head, "I'm from Miami, I'm just visiting my mom for a little while."

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