I get slobbered by a wake up call dog

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ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER DOG TONGUE LICKED ON ME. I woke up and smelt my dog, Mishigan's breath fly over my nostrils. I sprung up sending the poor thing flying across the sheet and landing safely on the Carpet. I wiped my face on the sheet and went out in the hallway and stared at the clock.

"Oh wow... 8:30... right on time." I looked back at my room with the door sign "Malcom Kalina" mocking me. As if to say: "HAH! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND I DON'T! IT RULES BEING A DOOR SIGN!" I walked over to my bathroom and bathed. The cool (hot) water was rubbing and scrubbing all of the dirty slobber off of me. After my daily shower I got out of the shower, put on my school clothes and sighed.

"I hate school" I murmured. I usually ride my bike to school because I'm the only one still here at this time. My cousin Marco always reaches school early because of his "Perfect Attendance" me? Yeah. I really didn't care about all of that. All that matters is I get to school, early is when I have some field trips and late all the other times. I went outside and locked the door with the spare key from the mat and placed it in my pocket. Thankfully, as forgetful as I am, I remembered to pack my Art project. I already had enough F's as it is (which is not that much). I finally reached school and placed down my project on the shelf. Now, if you saw me at school, you'd see me as a "The guy who has only a very tall boy and a short girl as his friend" type of guy.

"Hey Malc!" My tall friend said. And when I mean tall, he has to bend down to get into class tall. And we're only in what like 9th grade? And another note, if you see me on the street and you know me, DON'T call me Malc.

"Garth! You know he doesn't like being called that." My girl friend (I mean a girl, who is a friend. Don't you dare fan girl) Nirvada said.

"Thanks Nirvada." I said. The bell rang for class and we sat down. The teacher, Miss Saytr came in. She always seemed to have that straw hat on, no matter the weather, and she always wore a shirt that said "Grass is the Best!" .

"Okay students. You all have your art projects?" She said. I looked to the shelf and saw my project in pieces. I gasped. Darn it! These people are just so nasty sometimes. I growled slightly and got up.

"Miss Saytr? Can I go outside?" I said with anger in my voice.

"Uh... sure? Go ahead." She said. I ran outside and out the school. I sat down by the school sign that read "Cedar Grove's High School!" I sighed and started to glow a winter blue. Yeah, this happens when I'm angry. I raised out my hand and a bluish green wave of energy came out of me and I destroyed a nearby tree. I stared at the tree for a bit in shock but forgot about it, calmed down and stopped glowing. I walked back in class.

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