Chapter 3

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I sighed as I waited with Keith and Taka for the others to return back to the castle.I yawned before I leaned my head on a wall beside me before I slowly dozed off,soon falling asleep.
As Keira fell asleep, giggles from the remaining girls in the castle were heard as they looked at the sleeping Keira who was leaning on a too sleeping Keith's chest unknowingly."Ship it..."Taka whispered with a small smile as she saw Keith and Keira snuggling unknowingly."Keira and Keith...What will be their ship name?"Sierra said.Before any of them could reply,a beeping noise was heard as Allura and Coran had managed to find the red lion."Wha-Ah!!!"Keira freaked out as she looked behind her.Keith was startled awake before he jumped back in surprise, causing Keira to fall on the ground.Keira groaned as she sat up.Keith was as red as his lion as he glared half-heartedly at Keira who was glancing down and blushing."Sorry..."Keira mumbled before she stood up and walked out of the room awkwardly.
"You made it."Was all Keira heard before she exited the room."Yeah, just barely. That was a nightmare. I almost puked out there. I felt like Hunk!"Lance said."Think how I felt.I am Hunk!"Sierra chuckled at that as she heard that.
"Yeah. We had a tough time, too."Pidge said as she entered the conversation, chuckling a bit."Did we find the Red Lion yet?"Shiro asked,seriousness in his voice."Allura just located it. There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is, the Red Lion's nearby. The bad news is, it's on board that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait, good news again. We're Arus!"Sierra's eyes widened before she rushed out to grab her silver bayard."They're here already?"Shiro asked, shocked and worried at the same time."Yes. Guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting is - it's more of an art than a science. Hmm?"Taka groaned at that before the screen went to static.It cleared up again as Keira walked in,showing Sendak."Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy your planet."Keira just chuckled at that.Sending a small glance at Keira,Shiro said to everone,"All right, let's not panic."Hunk began to freak out right after Shiro said that."Not panic? Th-The scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship toward us. We only have 6 lions.""Technically, only five working lions."Pidge corrected."That's right. Thank you, Pidge.Five working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old."Keira sighed."We can still-"Keira was interrupted by Coran."Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather -"Hunk cut off Coran as Sierra entered the room,breathless, carrying her bayard in one hand."Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!"Sierra tried to think of something to call the paladins before she looked at Hunk and the rest of the paladins,"This castle has a particle barrier we can activate.We can use that to stop the ion cannon."Keira's eyes widened as she remembered one of the lines Lance said."Girl, you've already activated my par-"Keira glared at Lance,"Don't you dare complete that fucking line... Complete it and I will murder you in the most fucked up, gruesome and tormenting way ever..."Lance whimpered a bit as he stared at Keira."Keira..."Shiro said with a warning tone."The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last."Coran said as he checked the castle defenses."Panic now?"Hunk asked as he fiddled with his fingers."No.We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly.Sendak's ion cannon may have improved but we can still defeat them.I say we get into our lions and defeat them!"Keira said as she looked at the paladins.Lance glared at Keira,"I say we pop through a wormhole and live to fight another day."Hunk thought for a while before he looked at Keira,"I second that. Yes. I mean, we tried to find all the lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have five. We can't form Voltron. I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm! To go through that hole, Lance, that you were talking about."Lance grinned,"Then, it's settled.Allura,Sierra,you ride with me. One of you take the old guy."Taka rolled her eyes at Lance,"We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them."Hunk still didn't agree with Taka,"Okay. If we run, then maybe Sendak will follow us and leave this planet alone, like when we left Earth. We form the snake-worm thingamajig and we can get out of here."Keira sighed as she knew where the argument lead to,"Sendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway. Staying is our only option.Unless you want to be a wimp and leave, we are staying till we defeat Sendak.""Here's an option: shut your quiznak."Lance said rudely."I don't think you're using that word correctly.Even if you do,I don't approve of you using it against Keira...Or any other girl!"Keith said before adding the last part quickly,not wanting Lance to know that he suddenly felt protective over Keira after Lance used that line."What do you know, Mullet?"Lance said as he glared at Keith who had glared back."We're staying."Keith and Keira yelled."Leaving!"Lance yelled back."Staying!"Taka and Pidge yelled."Snake!"Hunk yelled back.Guys, stop! Princess Allura and Sierra, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us. What do you think is the best course of action?"
Allura's eyes widened as she stuttered,"I... I don't know."Sierra just stayed silent as she thought of the consequences and battle plans."Perhaps your father can help."Coran said as Sierra's and Allura's eyes widened.

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