Profile Picture: 7/10
I like the profile picture but it doesn't match the theme!
Header Image: 7/10
the quality of the header on a desktop is not that good. I recommend using a solid blue background as your header to match your theme better ;)
Display Name: 8/10
Its cute but the emoji doesn't match the theme very well I recommend you to use some symbols ;D
Bio: 11/10
Your bio is super nice! I love it <333
Location: 11/10
Bts is life :'-)
Book cover: 7/10
The book cover is nice but I feel like you can find a better picture and maybe put a title with a nice font on it :)
Username: 10/10
The username is nice!
Overall: 7/10
overall the account is good on its separate ways but you still need some changes to make your account better and more polished! <3