Profile Picture: 11/10
Hobi being flawless crying :'-)))
Header Image: 5/10
Its a bit messy, I recommend using a header that matches the profile maybe a nice orange that matches Hobi's hair color
Display Name: 9/10
That's a cute username I can already tell you're a hardcore Jhope stan! ^^
Bio: 6/10
The bio is nice, But I wish you can add more symbols and organize it more.
Location: 10/10
Lmao yes! ;3;
Book Cover(s): 4/10
I like the creativity :) But in order to make it more eye-catching you should maybe try some aesthetic pictures and make it less messy with some pretty fonts ^^
Username: 9/10
Creative username <33
Overall: 5/10
Your account is very lively and nice! But there are many things you can work on and improve if you'll like to learn more about having a themed account you can check out my new book "Working Progress" it tell you what apps, pictures you should use! ;3;