Profile Picture: 9/10
Very aesthetic I like it ;)) but it doesn't match the header.
Header Image: 7/10
I feel like there can be a better header. But the quality is very nice ;))
Display name: 6/10
I don't really like it :(( Maybe you should try something else?? ;o;
Bio: 10/10
Lmao, Love the honestly :')))
Location: 10/10
I cry T-T
Book Covers: 7/10
hmmm, the book covers don't match, But very professional looks like an actually book cover of a book but not really my style.
Username: 9/10
nice (;
Overall: 6/10
Your account is nice in its individual ways, But it's not really my style and it needs a little bit of a tweaking but you're at a good start keep up the good work! <333