867 21 1

Darcy Vela
"You know, I've missed you." He says, putting his hand over mine.

"I've missed you too, I felt so empty but now you found me." I smile.

We were both leaning in until something shot through the window, hitting my arm. My arm was throbbing at the pain as Cameron moved us behind the counter. My eyes started watering as I heard people screaming and shots firing. This couldn't of happened again.

"Cameron," I sobbed, "there here."

"I know. Just stay here, okay?" I nodded at his response.

He went to pull out his gun, and began shooting. Fear filled my body as bullets were flying near him. My heart was pounding so hard it wanted to jump out of my chest. Then I felt a hand grab my angle, pulling towards them. My eyes widen at who it was.

"Missed me?" He smirked and grabbed me, putting the gun to my temple, "Come out Cameron! Or say goodbye to your pretty girlfriend."

After a few seconds, Cameron came out putting his hands in the air. His eyes met mine, seeing them in fear. My cheeks were stained with dry tears, seeing the love of my life in front of me.

"You can take me, just let her go." He looked down then back at Jordan.

"You see Cameron, I don't think it works that way," I jumped at the sound of a gun shot.

I looked up to see Camron holding his stomach, making me go numb. He dropped to his knees as I ran over to him. My eyes felt like water exploding and my face turning pale. He looked at me, showing nothing in his eyes.

"Cameron..Cameron-" I was cut off.

"Shh, it's okay." He whispered, putting his hand on my cheek.

I shook my head, feeling the tears come and come "No. Don't leave me...I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too."

Then I was pulled away from him with full force, hearing one more shot go off.
"Darcy, hello!" Gale snapped his fingers in my face.

I turn to him in shock of the nightmare I had last night. I looked down to see the table had a few wet drops on it. I was crying. I look back at Gale as his eyes softened, pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest, wetting his shirt with my tears.

"Its okay." He rubbed my back.

I sniffed and hugged him tighter. This wasn't just some nightmare, it was worst. I couldn't even think of it without crying. Gale pulled away and gave me a soft smile which I returned.

"How about we go get something to eat, okay?" I nodded as we left the house.

On our way to the restaurant, I put the music on. The song "Just Give Me A Reason" by P!nk started playing making me sing, loud. Gale then turned the music low causing my voice to crack. He started laughing as I punched his arm.

"Have any of your friends told you you're a good signer?" Gale asked with his eyes still on the road.

I thought about it, "Actually I think there was one person.."

"Well that person isn't your friend then." He started laughing making me hit him once more.

I sigh then looked at the rear mirror, seeing a black car in back of us. Especially ever since we left. I couldn't recognize the driver though. I patted Gales arm, still keeping my eyes on the mirror.

"What? What is it?" He asked looking everywhere but still focused on the road.

"There-there's a black car following us." I mention towards the back.

He then looked at his mirror and turned right, the car in back also moving right. Every time he would take a turn the car would keep following us. We were on the road alone this time. The car just wouldn't give us, a few minutes later there was now 3 cars following us.

"What is this? Some kind of game?" I panic as Gale still tried to lose them.

"The real question is who are they after?" He started to get frustrated.

The other two black cars were on the sides of us now. Gale tried speeding up but the car was in front and the others on the side. What are they doing? I then started to realize what they were trying to do. It's a trap.

"Gale it's a-" I was cut off by a crash.

I opened my eyes and groaned in pain. We had crashed into a tree. I looked to see Gale, passed out. I tried shaking him to wake up but he wouldn't budge. Then I felt myself being dragged out of the car, I looked up to see it was the 3 guys.

"Gale!" I screamed until they put a cloth over my mouth and then passed out.
Hey peeps! Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been so busy with many things. Anyway hope you liked this chapter, thank you for 8k !!

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