
746 20 1

Darcy Vela
"Okay you can do this." I confidently whisper to myself.

This was going to be my big day for me this time. The day Im going to marry the person I love. No wonder Jamie felt nervous. The boys quit the gang and decided to live their lives without any violence. Cameron decided to spend his time with his family.

What if he doesn't want to marry me?

Of course he wants to marry you, he was the one to purpose. He definitely wants to marry you..I think. I hear the door open and I turn to see Shawn.

"Hey, you ready?" He pronounced jumpy.

"Why? Is it time already?" I panic a little before he shakes his head.

Since Jamie was still on her honeymoon, I didn't have a maid of honor. Instead I have Shawn as my best man..if that's only for guys. Nash was gone so Matt is Cameron's best man.

"I'm so nervous." I fan myself since I was sweating, even though it wasn't cold.

"Don't be," he smiles, sitting down, "Unless you're nervous because of.."

He points to my stomach. I was currently pregnant for 4 months. There was a little bump on my belly that was a little noticeable. I already had my other child, Tyler. He was almost a year old. Where is he now? He's is currently with the boys. At first I didn't really agree with it but they are his uncles.

I narrow my eyes at him, "What're you trying to say?"

Shawn's eyes widen as he quickly shakes his head, "What-N-Nothing."

I roll my eyes, hearing another knock on my door. Shawn opens it, only for it them to see his face. I hear him whisper, "What? He's here?" Who is here? He then closes the door then turns around to find me staring.

"Uh, what was that all about?" He gives me a little smile then shrugs.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Shawn.."

Before he can say anything else, someone knocks on the door. I look at Shawn to open it but he just stands there looking at it. I roll my eyes and go towards the door. I open it and freeze when I see him.

"Hey Darc," he gives me a wave with his bright smile.

I haven't seen him in 2 years and and all he has to say is 'hi'. Of course after Gale left, he kept visiting me then stopped because he had to work. No I don't know where he works because he never even told me.

"Brody..what're you doing here?" Was all I said.

"What? I can't visit a very important person that's apparently getting married." He gave me a straight look.

"Pshh what? Married..I'm just getting..dressed up," I couldn't think of anything.

He rolls his eyes, "Look Dee, I know it's been a couple of years since we talked-"

"Yeah, you were 'busy' with work which is interesting cause I don't know what you do."

He chuckles, "Can I talk to you for a minute, alone?"

I look over at Shawn and see him typing and smiling at his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend. He looks up to see us staring making his smile disappear. He awkwardly stands up, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Oh uh, I'm just gonna-yeah." He walks past Brody and I.

I let Brody in as he sits in my chair. I wait for him to speak but nothing comes out. This is stupid. He can't just show up to my wedding and not explain himself.

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