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Published: May 8, 2017. 9:44 PM.

Wide-eyed, she peers around the corner once more.

Yep. It's undeniable.

Adrien is holding her letter, and he's reading it.

Reading it.

Her own messy font is easy to identify, for his name is scrawled across the front of the envelope resting in his other hand in her handwriting.

He's reading my letter.

Cheeks scarlet, she whips her head around the corner and out of sight.

"He's reading my letter," she whispers, bluebell eyes inordinately wide. "I can't believe it..."

"Yo, Mari!" The bluenette startles and cranes her head around to see the owner of the voice.

A grin splits her face. "Alya!" The ombré smiles and bounds over to Mari.

"Hey, Marinette! What's up?" Alya comes to a heaving stop in front of the giddy girl. "You look almost too happy."

Marinette tiptoes in place with an expression of pure exuberance. "I am!" she squeals quietly, gripping her rosy cheeks and stopping her funky dance.

Alya cocks an eyebrow. "Um... mind explaining?"

And so, Marinette launches into a long story of debate, questions, brave moments, and the whole 'Ladybug' ordeal as the two walk to class.

"Fascinating," Alya says with an awestruck look on her face. "And he's read both letters?" She sits down in her usual seat, and Marinette slides into the seat next to her.

"Yes! Well, I think. I just saw him reading the one I put in his locker this morning. I have no idea how he found it with all the other mail he gets from his fans." She frowns as she tugs her bag onto the desk table from the floor.

How had he picked mine out of everyone else's?

Sure, she'd dropped off the first letter at his house, but tons of other girls do that too. What had gotten him to look at hers?

Marinette glances up just as the bell rings. Adrien and Nino hurry into the room, both with large grins on their faces. With crimson cheeks, Marinette watches Adrien's blissful expression through the haze of rose glasses and hearts.

"Bonjour." Madam Bustier's brief and abrupt greeting jolts the blue-haired beauty back to reality.

"Bonjour, Madam," the class responds in an almost monotonous chime.

Madam Bustier smiles at the fatigued students and nods. "Today we will be discussing an old play that is popular in America for its beautiful language and use of poetry." Madam Bustier yanks on the cord holding the screen covering the board. It slides up to reveal the words 'Romeo & Juliet.' Madam Bustier hits the whiteboard with a meter stick. "Romeo and Juliet," she states, circling the name with said meter stick. "One of the most tragic love stories in history."

Marinette's eyes begin to droop. How on earth is she supposed to survive this up and coming lecture?

"Usually, I would read excerpts from the book and draw out a character map for you on the board, but today, we will be partnering up and examining the text." Madam Bustier sends the class a crisp smile. "Copies of the play are on the back table," she says, pointing the meter stick towards the back of the classroom.

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