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Published: October 14, 2017. 8:55 PM.
Doing Adrien's POV again this chapter because I think it's important. :)


Thank you for your patience!

The days run by in a blur; a very love-struck, unfocused blur. Paying attention in class on Thursday and Friday had been a chore for Adrien, and hardly any homework had gotten done at home.

Every minute. She occupied his mind every minute of both days. Friday had left him disappointed; not a letter in sight.

Never fear, Agreste. You'll hunt her down on Sunday whether she likes it or not.

Adrien nods to himself in affirmation and turns to Becca. "I'm thinking black leather...?"

The African-French seamstress quirks an eyebrow, chocolate eyes sparkling in question. "A leather tuxedo?"

Adrien chomps on his bottom lip. "No. The tuxedo will be black. The mask needs to be leather. As do the cat ears." He nods again. "Yeah..."

Becca smirks in amusement. "What, and do you want a bell, too?"

Eyes sparking mischievously, Adrien's lips split into a smile. "A bell would be nice, yeah."

Becca snorts, taking out her tape measurer. "All right, cowboy. Let's get you gussied up."

"Sounds purrfect."


What's sleep?

Adrien has been internally repeating this same question all morning, for he had gotten none of it the previous night.

When Becca had finished gathering all of the information needed to make Adrien's costume, she had gone home with the promise of it being in Adrien's closet before 8:00 PM. It is currently 2:43 PM, and Adrien finds himself freaking out.

What if Ladybug isn't dressed as her namesake? What if I mistake her for some other blue-eyed girl dressed in the ladybug theme? What if she doesn't like my theme choice? What if... No! Chill, Agreste. You're cool.

"You're cool," Adrien repeats out loud, if a bit breathless. "You're cool." He lets out an exasperated sigh and parks his behind on his large mattress, head in hands.

His phone buzzes suddenly, and he jumps before looking down at it. Nino's name flashes across the screen.

Nino: we still on for lunch downtown @ 3?

Adrien checks the clock again before hastily typing a response.

Adrien: I'll be there.


"Why am I only hearing about this girl now?"

Adrien fidgets. "Well, it feels really personal, and I just didn't know how you'd react..."

Nino sighs and massages the bridge of his nose. "Why does it matter how I'd react? This is your girl, isn't it? I'm not one to judge."

Adrien opens his mouth to counter, then ultimately snaps it shut. He puffs his cheeks in a pout and looks out the window. Rain decorates the streets and restaurant window, shining in the hazy glow from the sun trying to push the clouds out of the way. The restaurant buzzes with mumbled activity and the clinking of forks on plates. Not a formal restaurant, exactly, just a little diner that's seemingly far too popular. The booth Adrien and Nino are occupying is less than nice; the ugly burgundy red clashing with the modern wood nicely. Nevertheless, the cushion is plush and comfortable. The neon sign hanging above their booth flashes blue and red, struggling to be seen in the grey of the mist-filled afternoon.

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